Like if you’re already content with who you have in your life, even if it’s like 1 person. Why is it so frowned upon to not have many/any friends?

  1. I tried to convince myself that I didn’t need friends and I was ok just keeping to myself but the fact is that life is incredibly empty and cold without other people around you.

    Humans are social animals and we feel a deep need for human interaction. I don’t know you so it could be that you are perfectly happy with no friends but in my opinion your life will be much more fulfilling with interesting people to share it with.

    I think you know deep down that you would like to have at least a few friends who you can talk to and who care for you. I did. So I urge you to try to make some even if it feels hard for you.

  2. It is okay to want to live in a bubble if that’s what makes you happy, but it’s important to consider the potential drawbacks of isolating yourself from the world. Living in a bubble can be comfortable and safe, but it can also limit your personal growth and your ability to form new relationships and experiences.

    Having friends and social connections is a fundamental part of human nature. It provides us with emotional support, helps us learn more about ourselves and the world around us, and can boost our overall well-being. When we lack social connections, we can feel lonely, isolated, and even depressed.

    It’s not necessarily frowned upon to not have many friends, but sometimes society places an emphasis on the importance of popularity and social status. If you’re content with your solitary lifestyle, that’s perfectly fine, but it’s important to make sure that you’re not isolating yourself because of fear, anxiety, or depression. In those situations, it can be helpful to seek professional help or support from loved ones.

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