What do americans think about the US “embargo” on Cuba?

  1. I don’t want it to end because the good Cuban restaurant in town is called The Embargo Grill and I don’t want them to have to rebrand.

  2. It doesn’t really come up very often one way or another for most people. It would be unpopular if they wanted to impose it today. But it’s been around so long that there would be resistance to ending it just from a general tendency to avoid change rather than any real support for it. Not many Americans are old enough to remember a time before the embargo, so it’s just “the way things are.”

  3. >The government of Fidel Castro has demonstrated consistent disregard for internationally accepted standards of human rights and for democratic values. It restricts the Cuban people’s exercise of freedom of speech, press, assembly, and other rights recognized by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on December 10, 1948.

    I find this to be ironic. [Source](https://1997-2001.state.gov/www/regions/wha/cuba/democ_act_1992.html) btw.

  4. Kinda pointless now, but there’s little political will to change the status quo.

  5. It’s a relic of the Cold War and should have been repealed decades ago. The only reason it’s still in place is because it’s in the USA’s interest to hinder any socialist/communist country whenever possible so they can claim it doesn’t work and capitalism is better.

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