I was thinking about visiting and would love to go to a church like that, specifically with Black folks singing soul choirs. I’ve seen it in many movies and would love to experience it irl. An example is like in the movie Norbit where everyone sings at the church.

  1. It’s called baptist church but I bet you could find one in the town you live in and yes it’s a superior way to attend church.

  2. I have lived in many parts of the US. People sing in churches like that in all parts of the country.

  3. You will want a black Baptist church as a general rule. Much easier to find down south. It’s been well over a decade so I dont know if they still do it, but the river boat cruise off the boardwalk in Savannah Georgia did a Baptist revival on Sundays. I’m not even religious and I had a great time. Kick ass food, kick ass music, kick ass view. 10/10 would reccomend.

  4. Missionary Baptist or AME like others are saying, but it’s a place of worship, not a tourist attraction. They have events and sometimes concerts, and services are always open, but keep in mind that Sunday/Wednesday services are for worshiping their higher power, not performing as a curiosity.

  5. https://youtu.be/4GCzJlhrRV4
    I believe her church is Salem Baptist, Atlanta, Georgia. This might not be filmed there, I’ve never been there. I was just introduced to her music.

    However, the best church experience I’ve ever had was at Riverside in Harlem. And I grew up in the church. I was taken to Riverside a few years ago and was moved. That is where MLK spoke a number of times, his last sermon was his anti-Vietnam speech. He was murdered in Memphis exactly one year to the day that he gave the speech at Riverside.

  6. They exist for sure and most churches welcome anyone to the services, but they aren’t a tourist attraction and the people worshiping aren’t exhibits at a zoo.

  7. Yeah, they’re all over. While most churches welcome anyone, they aren’t tourist attractions and your specific request for black people is kind of off-putting. I’d have a hard think about what you’re really doing here.

  8. I walked by one when I was in college and, while I am not black, when I walked by they were singing and the people at the door were asking me to come in and join the service. I am not sure if that’s always going to be the case or if you run into a situation where you’d end up feeling weird and awkward, but I would hope you find a place willing to let you join like that one was.

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