How much did you spend on your wedding? Was it worth it?

  1. Somewhere around $15k. No regrets, I enjoyed myself and everyone else had a really good time too.

    We had the money, wasn’t like we took out loans or a second mortgage on the house to pay for it. By the time we got married we’d already paid off our student loans and bought a house, so the only real opportunity cost was delaying remodeling our 1980s kitchen by a few years.

  2. We had a very small wedding (30 close family and friends) and bought a house instead. One of the best decisions of my life.

  3. about 8k I think. Definitely under 10.

    I’d say yes. The day was amazing, the honeymoon was even better, people were comparing other weddings they went to for mine for the next three years it was so fun. Since I already had put the down payment on a home, it’s not like we were going to miss it either (that, and we paid it bit by bit during the 2 year engagement so it’s not like we were hurting for it all at once).

  4. Zero dollars. Got married in a small, civil ceremony. Still married decades later.

  5. Around 8000€ if I remember correctly. We had a small wedding with only closest family and friends. The amount of booze that was left over….ooooooooohboy.

    Edit: 600€ for alcohol alone….for 35 people, 10 of which were kids or absolutists. 😂

  6. We paid about $3k and had a small but very fun time. But when we look back we would have made changes to probably cut down that $3k and done it simpler

  7. About $35k all together, but my wife’s parents had saved up all that money for her since she was born and paid for everything except for a couple of the groomsmen’s suit rentals that I paid for myself just to make it easier on everyone.

    We had a great time and have fond memories of the reception and the service itself. Was it worth it? I’d say yes because I barely spent any of my own money

  8. less then $1000 totally worth. it was beautiful in the mountains of colorado and had lots of family and friends.

  9. Roughly 80k but got half back from gifts. It was worth it to have the night of our lives.

  10. I spent about 3200 in total (really skimped on catering and service, but paid in total for photography) and I loved it! Married 6 years and looking forward to the next 16!

  11. Almost nothing. There was a few for the marriage license and my wife got a new dress for it but that was it.

  12. We did a courthouse wedding, and spent all the money on a big TV to game together on while we ate at our favorite restaurants for a few days.

    100% Worth it.

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