To the awkward, loner men out there without much outside hobbies: What do you do on a first date?

  1. Well it’s many years since I went on a first date, but I would go for drinks wether it be a coffee or tea in a tea shop or a meal out depending on what the Lady is comfortable with.

  2. A guy who fits that description isn’t ready to date. If that’s you, what are you bringing a woman into? Is she going to sit there and watch you play xbox by yourself?

  3. If they like boba then that, walk around a garden or park. To chat. If no boba maybe grab breakfast coffe donuts idk. Maybe things go well grab dinner.

  4. The people you just described don’t get to go on dates. I should know, I am one of them.

  5. There has to be something you like to do. I don’t think it’s possible that someone has zero interests unless you just totally lost interest in everything because you’re legitimately depressed. If you really believe you have no interests than you’re either depressed like I said or you’ve decided not to pursue your interests for some reason.

  6. Do something you both haven’t done. I chose ice skating, we loved it! Both of us fell at least once then we got the hang of it!

  7. I’m a woman, but my boyfriend is kinda this guy. We went rock climbing so he didn’t have to talk😂

  8. I typically ask folks out for coffee. You get a chance to relax and talk(without alcohol in the mix), and you’ll see pretty quickly whether or not you click.

  9. 1. Leave the house and actually do things.
    2. See if other people would like to accompany you in doing things.
    3. ??
    4. Have friends.

    As an introvert I’m sure there are many alternate universe where I never leave the house. What has helped me is making the conscious decision that “today or tomorrow I am going to leave the house and do something”. Next comes the hard part where you actually have to small talk people and begin to make a real connection, and it really helps to have something to talk about, even if it’s something you personally think is dumb it shows your charismatic about a topic which makes people like you.

    I played semi pro cs go and multiple times girls seemed interested to hear about travelling for tournaments, the lifestyle etc. But maybe it helps that I’m very hot.

  10. Assuming we met online like so many of us do, first date is always lunch and we both provide our own transportation. My reasoning is if we don’t hit it off we both have the whole day ahead of us and there’s no awkward ride taking her home. Plus it’s usually quiet enough to get a decent conversation going to feel each other out. The option to go get drinks or extend the date is always on the table if things go good.

  11. I’m definitely not awkward, but I would say I can be pretty antisocial. If the occasion calls for it, I have good social skills and don’t have an issue chatting with people. I just don’t really care to put myself out there to socialize a ton. I am by no means a “social butterfly”

    First dates? There are plenty of options. Drinks at a bar? Bowling? Chill at the park?

  12. I’d recommend bringing her out to some sort of activity where you guys are watching something (like a parade) or doing something (like an escape room or painting + wine) over just lunch/drinks.

    If you’re not good at holding a conversation, activities allow for natural breaks or offer something you can easily comment on. Helps with any awkward silences that might happen if it’s just lunch or drinks or similar.

  13. Shopping, and what ever else SHE wants to do👍. I do not care, she makes the plan and I’m there to carry all the heavy stuff 👍. I hate roller coasters but I’ll go there just to spend time with my special lady 😅

  14. Breakfast and a walk in the park, rollerskating, ice skating, mini golf, little animal farm, picnic blanket in the park at night, picnic at the beach for sunset, With a bottle of wine ofc. Any combination of the above. Any of the above and then back to your place for a movie/ drink. Otherwise make sure you get her on the phone for a little chat a couple nights before your date and ask her about her ideal first date. She will literally tell you what to do.
    It’s really not that hard

  15. All of my hobbies were solitary. I’d sometimes invite them out hiking, but usually just meet for sex and hanging out for a weekend.

  16. Just go mini golfing. Doesn’t matter if you’re terrible at it.

    Alternatively: Japanese tea ceremony. Doesn’t matter if you’ve got nothing to talk about if there’s no talking allowed.

  17. I’ve generally done dates that were more off the wall, and least expected to be a first date. Mostly, girls find them interesting, because they’re just that, something completely new to them as a first date.

    Talked on the phone a couple times before meeting, then said “I’m looking to buy a new living room set pretty soon….lets go furniture shopping, and see what tastes we both have, and then afterwards we can go have lunch”. She was surprised by it, had fun on the date, and kept seeing each other for a few months.

    Went bowling with one girl, then we went down th street for ice cream, and kept talking for another hour for our first date. It was fun, and we were able to laugh and joke about our bowling skills the entire time.

  18. in the past 6 years 60% of my first dates was a walk outside,35% at my place, 5% out for drinks

  19. Flip my calendar to the new page to accurately reflect that it’s the new month.

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