Whats healthy food to you?

  1. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains. A healthy amount of meat, etc. Basically just a balanced diet with fewer processed foods if you can afford it

  2. Generally not pre prepared, fresh fruits and vegetables, some form of protein, and low amounts of carbs. I try to keep the oils lower but some recipes just need it.

    That’s my general rule.

  3. Veggies, grains, legumes, and lean proteins. Gotta have some fats and salts in there too, but not a lot.

    Is this a veiled “Americans only have processed plastic food” question?

  4. A good balance of macros, some amount of natural nutrients i.e. not just processed flour- or syrup-based garbage, low in added sugars.

    Most widely available foods contain way too little protein, vegetables, and fiber so anything that’s high in one of those things is a good choice to reach a more balanced diet.

  5. Fresh fruits & vegetables. Lean proteins. Whole grain starches including beans and legumes.

    What’s considered healthy food in your country?

  6. Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen and Oxygen in various combinations with a few trace elements for variety.

  7. Fruit, vegetables, grains, lean meats, healthy fats, etc…sorta the same food that’s healthy everywhere else in the world. This is pretty close to begging the question IMO.

  8. The two cheeseburger meal from McDonalds, with a 64oz mountain dew and a king sized Reese’s for dessert. And ranch to dip the fries in.

    We all know the answer you wanted to hear, do here you go.

  9. I think I’d consider a meal healthy if it had little to no sugar, not many carbs, and still contained a variety of protein, minerals,and just general nutrients.

    Meat and some green veggies I suppose

  10. Pretty much what everyone else said. Healthy mix of veggies and lean meats.

  11. There’s no such thing as healthy or unhealthy food.

    There are, however, healthy and unhealthy diets.

    In general though I try to avoid lots of highly processed foods, baked goods, sweets, and fatty meats.

  12. In general, I totally associate “salad” with “healthy” even though I know full well that salads can be loaded up with so many unhealthy things & other meals might be just as good for you.

  13. Healthy food is food that serves its purpose well. There is really no unhealthy food though, just unhealthy diets.

    I would consider a handful of almonds to be a healthy snack, but I would not consider this healthy for someone with a nut allergy because it could kill them.

    Likewise, the nutritional breakdown of food matters far less when someone struggles to eat at all. A burger is healthier than absolutely nothing.

  14. Fruits, vegetables, plant-based proteins, nuts and seeds. Dairy and eggs. I would like dairy and eggs to be ethically farmed. I only buy from ethical farmers. I do not like buying meat because I do not feel it is ethically farmed, in general, and also is unnecessary for our health and damaging for the environment.

  15. Food made with whole ingredients. A meal with some meat/protein and vegetables, low-moderate carbs, high fiber. For one meal I’d consider 700 cal the max, I’m on a 1500 cal or less diet so if I ate light in the morning I could have that much for dinner.

  16. I’m trying to follow a mediterranean inspired diet. It’s one of the few diets that has a lot of research into it that proves it works. Actually not that different from what I eat now except I’m making some things from scratch and incorporating more vegitables. Swapped out vegetable oil with olive oil and cut out all processed sugar which means most processed food. The biggest change for me is cutting out the pop. I’m a big Coca-Cola drinker.

  17. Any food that’s healthy. It’s either healthy or not. Do you mean “what healthy foods do you like”?

  18. Fruit, veggies, eggs, salmon, lean meats. I was raised eating healthy so I’ve never been the type to eat fast food

  19. Gym bro here. I have to prioritize salt and carbs because I won’t eat enough if I don’t. Protein and veggies and fruit are good and easy to eat.

  20. Anything that doesn’t come out of a box. A hamburger and fries is healthy in my book if it was all made with fresh ingredients and no preservatives/chemicals.

  21. Fruits and vegetables. White meat like chicken and turkey. Whole grains. We’re not stupid.

  22. Actual, real, food. In other words – food that isn’t manipulated and processed by people.

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