So I(20f) have been seeing this guy (20m) for a little over a month, things were going great but he wasn’t trying to put any sort of effort at all. I tried bringing it up he said he will but nothing changed so I ended it.

The other day he asked to meet and told me how his mom’s been very sick lately and that’s why he hasn’t been focusing on what’s going on with us lately but he’d like to give it another go and he promises to do better this time around

So Is it worth giving it another shot?

  1. meh. i would say cut the loss and find someone who would just tell you something is going on..

    rather than you having to ask someone to change, them still not, and then after the fact them saying whatever the issue was

  2. Pulling out the ol’ sick mother card to try and get back in with you? He really is 20. If he told you that (if it were even true) during his busy period instead of just flaking, maybe he’d have a leg to stand on.

    No, don’t give him another shot.

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