I’ve been going to the gym for close to 3 months now. I met a really pretty girl there and I asked her how to perform a specific exercise. I’ve been talking to this girl for weeks.

The second time we talked we shared a lot of details about our private lives (what we are studying, etc).

Recently I decided to ask whether she has any plans for the weekend. She said “Work” and clarified that she was a bartender and works on weekends.

Should I ask her out or was that a subtle way of saying “no, I’m busy on weekends don’t even bother.”?

If I should ask her out…where? Are there any original ideas for asking a bartender out on a date?

  1. If you both feel comfortable with each other, I don’t see why not honestly

  2. >was that a subtle way of saying “no, I’m busy on weekends don’t even bother.”?

    Seems like it. If she was interested, she would have said, “Work. At X bar. I get off at X time if you’d like to meet up for a night cap?”

  3. Ask her out and say you know she works nights but you’d like to see her whenever it works for her.

    Do not, I repeat , do not find out where she tends bar and show up unless she suggests it.

    Source: married ex bartender

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