Who does what household chores? My wife feels that I don’t do enough.

  1. >My wife feels that I don’t do enough.

    And what do you feel? That is more important then what internet strangers say.

    Also what works for my family likely isn’t what’s best for yours

  2. Statically women do more housework and more mental load. Get the book Fair Play and the cards that go with it and you’ll be able to get a good idea if she’s right.

  3. Check out The Barta House on Insta— she has great posts about how to declutter, organize, and make a minimalist home.

  4. Do we include yardwork, house maintenance and renovation, and vehicle repair? Somehow they are never accounted for when division of household labor is brought up.

  5. I do all of the finances, work on the house, some of the yard, most of the cooking, the laundry, dishes, I mop the floors and I clean the kitchen. I keep her technology running and do the billing for her business. And work full time.

  6. I (50M) do almost all the cooking for dinner. We clean up collectively (she washes, I dry and put away). We split the grocery shopping.

    I do the laundry, vacuuming, and shower/tub cleaning. She does the floor washing, dusting, and plant watering.

    She (50F) pays the bills and handles all the insurance and stuff like that.

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