It’s going to be 2 years and I still think about him a lot. He was my first love and I was his.

I broke up with him because I thought he wasn’t that into me when I was 19. I found out later that he was in love with me/ had similar feelings that I had. I was super socially anxious when I was 19 and not used to people liking me, so I wasn’t able to see that. As soon as I ended things with him, I blocked/unadded him everywhere bc I thought it would help me get over him faster.

I still think about him. Someone told me he still thinks about me a lot – he hasn’t dated anyone since we ended things. Apparently it was super difficult for him bc I just disappeared from his life one day. We both never had the chance to tell each other how we feel (we were close friends and then started dating and I left when I felt insecure. I literally thought that I was doing him a favor, I had no idea at the time).

I honestly just want to talk openly with him about things and get some closure. And I think he’d probably want that too. I’m scared that if I don’t now, I’m going to spend another year thinking about him.

I really want to move on. I don’t think he’s my type anymore and I’d be surprised if we’re still compatible after so much time/life has happened.

But like, from what I know, I think closure could be cool.

Is this really weird? Thoughts? I really want to be over this. And I know he also isn’t over this. It’s a weird situation.

  1. No, don’t contact him.

    He might still be hurting and even if he’s not – why open old wounds if you want to move on anyway?

    If you’re open to try again, reaching out might be not a bad idea after all this time but if you’re not I’d just leave it.

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