
I WFH 100% now and we use Slack on a daily basis.

I have this person who’s much senior than me who i don’t get along at all. They are egotistical, defensive and insensitive person.

It stresses me when i have to respond to this person for non-work related messages.

They asks me stuff like TV or movies, or my personal life.

I used to reply fast and stay on the chat for more than an hour even though i was not interested cause i wanted to be nice. I probably shouldn’t have..

It started to annoy me so now i try to reply to them less and less, sometimes i ignore non-related messages. It makes me dread going to work.

They noticed this, and the messages started coming in more frequently, probably to figure out what’s wrong, or just cause this person is crazy.

I am pretty sure they think they need to have a relationship outside of work, to be able to work together which is bonkers. I don’t talk to other coworkers like this at all, at least not to this degree.

I feel like i should tell this person to make this stop. What’s the nice/clever way to say this?

  1. It’s important to set boundaries in the workplace, even while working from home. Here are a few suggestions for how to approach the situation:

    1. Be honest and direct: Let the person know that you appreciate their effort to build a relationship outside of work, but you prefer to keep your personal and professional lives separate. You can say something like, “Hey, I appreciate your interest in my personal life, but I prefer to keep our conversations strictly work-related. I hope you can respect that.”

    2. Set specific limits: If you’re uncomfortable completely cutting off communications, set specific limits on when and how often you’re available for chat. You could say something like, “I’m happy to chat during work hours if it’s work-related, but I’m not available to chat outside of those hours.”

    3. Involve your manager: If the behavior continues despite your attempts to set boundaries, involve your manager and explain the situation. They may be able to help mediate the situation or offer suggestions for how to handle it.

    Remember, it’s important to prioritize your mental health and set boundaries in the workplace. Don’t feel guilty for putting up those boundaries and advocating for yourself.

  2. Can’t you simply ignore any texts that are not work related? A normal person would catch the hint after a while.

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