He is very logical and thinks with his head more than his heart, and I am the opposite. He loves to correct me, which is understandable because I’ve come to terms I can’t always be correct, but it’s the way he does it, especially in front of other people. He will speak down to me as if I am a five-year-old and honestly like a middle school bully in front of friends, family, and strangers. I’ve brought it up multiple times, asking why he speaks to me this way and how he can’t offer the same patience he provides to others when explaining certain things. He says it’s cause he ‘loves’ me and is comfortable being himself around me. It’s almost like he wants to show people he doesn’t like me or the things I have to say because most of the times it could be anything that comes out of my mouth.

And to be frank, it stings. I feel as though he does not have my back in a way. I’ve run out of ways to bring this conversation up, and it’s now a nagging topic in our relationship. I’ve retorted to becoming a bully back, and it does not feel good. It’s also made me insecure about his views and feelings toward me. I am a bright, talented, and intelligent young woman, and it’s hard to continue when the one I adore the most makes me feel like I am not to him.

I’m not asking for help on what to say to him, just a broad explanation of why someone could speak to another like this. Maybe it’s the way he was spoken to growing up? Or maybe some people are just assholes. Who knows?

  1. Because he enjoys putting you down. He enjoys being “smarter” and “more rational” than you. He gets off on being dismissive of your feelings and being better than you as he sees it.

    Why on earth do you think it’s understandable that he treats you this way?

    Why do you choose to stay with someone who is not kind to you?

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