I feel like asking could be seen as needy or attention seeking. But I’m genuinely curious.

Is it an inappropriate question?

  1. Depending on the friend, this could be a yes or no. I personally wouldn’t ask because if a friend isn’t talking to me for an extended period of time, I would just let things fizzle out. It could be seen as needy, so I would want to stay on the safe side and not ask. I’m also a guy, and guys generally don’t like to get emotional with friendships.

  2. If it’s nonstop a consistent thing then yes, otherwise no. There are always times that are appropriate to check in to make sure things are okay:)

  3. It’s understandable to have doubts about your behavior but asking a friend if you’re being a bother may come off as self-deprecating or insecure. However, it’s good to communicate with your friend if you feel like you’re crossing boundaries or making them feel uncomfortable in any way. Maybe rephrase the question to something like “Hey, I just wanted to check in and make sure everything is alright between us. Is there anything I could be doing differently that would make things better for you?” This can show your friend that you care about their feelings and are open to feedback, without putting the focus solely on your own behavior.

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