Sometimes I (29F) think that I cut people off too quickly. “Ghosting” I guess. I honestly just feel as if there’s not much to talk about with certain people. Give me a reason to stay & I will. If we didn’t hit it off, why do I have to stay in contact? If you’re just going to “wyd” me to DEATH why do I have to engage in such dead end conversations? It’s not ghosting, it’s me just leaving u alone lol

  1. Seems legit. I mean I wouldn’t consider it ghosting when the conversation is boring, there’s nothing relatable or you don’t see a discussion really going anywhere. Doesn’t sound like you’re cutting people off too quickly, just seems like you have expectations (which everyone has and entitled to have).

  2. No offence, but it works the other way around too you know. So, enlighten me, what do you do to give men a reason to stay and talk to you. Do you actively engage a interesting conversation? Or do you let it all come down to your potential male date to keep the convo going. Thats why your probably getting the ‘wyd’ all the time

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