Im 19 male and my 18F girlfriend is beginning to annoy me a lot and I don’t really know if i want to continue the relationship. We’ve been dating for about 6 months and its going fine but nothing is really happening and I feel like I lost all feeling.

At the end of the school year she’s going to America for a year and I don’t have the money to travel between my country and America so I’ve kind of excepted that the relationship is not forever but weirdly enough i am kind of looking forward to it. I feel really bad about it but I think being single is gonna feel better.

This is also my first relationship with a girl so when she approached me i just took my chance and didn’t really check if we were actually a match or not. I don’t really find her attractive anymore as well, i feel like the internet kind of ruined my expectations.

She also seems a lot more attached to me than I to her so I don’t know if i should brake up or wait till the end of the year to spare her the brake up.

Tl;Dr: I don’t know if i should brake up with my girlfriend or wait until the relationship runs its course by its own.

  1. You’ve listed like a million reasons to break up. This isn’t like a murder trial where you need a mountain of evidence to secure a conviction. You’re mentally out of it. Just bail.

    And yeah. Break up with her. For two reasons:

    1) She’s wasting her time investing in you emotionally when you’re checked out. She doesn’t deserve that. Yeah, she’s gonna be sad. But she won’t be a fool.

    2) You need to learn how to properly end a relationship. It’s your first one. You should know how to properly end a relationship. And, spoiler alert, it isn’t “wait for them to leave on their own.”

    Bite the bullet, do her a favor, and be the bad guy.

    You don’t have to be cruel and list all the reasons above why you don’t like her anymore. Just pick a few choice things that are more about you than her and make it happen.

  2. You’re both young, lol probably she’ll find someone new in America. So Maybe she’ll break up with you!

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