While I do have my own flaws…

He is unmotivated.

He is selfish.

His mom does his grocery shopping once a week and cleans his house.

He is always “sick.” Like always…

He has a nasty chronic cough.

He smokes pot religiously… with his kids in the house and before work events.

He doesn’t try at his job.

I have to see him everyday, and while at work everyone thinks he’s nice, no one respects him.

So the question… why do I still want him and why does it drive me crazy he found someone before me?

  1. like you said everybody likes him. he is probably a charming good looking guy. same reason you like him.

  2. Because he broke up with you. Rejection breeds obsession. So even though he isn’t a great catch, you can’t stop thinking about him after he rejected you and moved on to someone else.

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