I want to be sexually active with my boyfriend, he is inexperienced and I have had sex twice, and have been sexually inactive for almost a decade.

He could not fit inside of me, it was painful, and even with lube. How do I loosen up so we can have comfortable pleasurable sex??

  1. Start by having him go down on you, eventually adding fingers, then moving to PIV – but being really slow about it.

  2. I had one woman talk to me about dilators, I do not want to recall it, but it might be the solution.

    My personal experience as a male is that time and stretching works, but those are different muscles because of the directionality and maintained tension being different. I can fit surprisingly large things in within maybe a half hour depending on what I’ve done before. Kinda strange, I thought, that I don’t suffer any real problems.

    Might work the same with that general area because hypothetically they all use similar cells and are made to take a beating. You can stretch with an expanding toy or fit progressively larger (sanitary) toys in there for short periods over time.

    Edit: I have to add that the best way to effect a change is with gradual adjustments over time with combined solutions until the desired effect is achieved. This can be sooner than you expect and try not to push it in too hard.

  3. Just relax, get rid of all anxiety and nervousness you feel, chill then go with the flow.

  4. Your vagina doesn’t tighten with time stranger, it just is. This sounds like you are stressed and struggling to relax. Slow down and move at the pace your body needs.

  5. Gynecologists can give some good tips, even refer some tools to help stretch you out. Dilators and such.

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