So my sister is very entitled, I come from a wealthy but dysfunctional family.

My dad is an academic and in his eyes in a failure and she’s his pride and joy. She’s pretty and a very good student straight As.

However I dropped out at 16 to pursue my business that I sold at 19. I’ve made 3 real estate purchases. I’m successful for my age.

Me and my sister both applied for uni this year, I entered less competitive unis like Surrey and York. She went for economics in UCL, LSE etc etc. she’s been met with 5 rejections and I’ve had 5 acceptances.

I’m sure this is a massive blow to her, as she was so arrogant about being a millionaire investment banker. This is all due to my dad brain washing her with his desires.

After turning her into a very rude and entitled person, he refuses to parent her. My mum is the only one who will confront her.

Now my two lady straws have been two incidents.

1. She does a very narcissistic thing, where she joke bully’s a person and puts them down. Shes done this recently again, where a family friend was concerned at how she treated me. I confronted her and apparently she was on the phone, she muted and unmuted / said lies to make it seem like she was the victim to her bf. No accountability

2. If she’s in a bad mood, she’ll say shut up, go away your so annoying if you try and make contact.

Any advice on how to cut her off, if there’s any saving it ? I don’t an someone so disrespectful and who likes putting me down in my life. What can I do

Td;lr looking to cut off my sister

  1. Just stop communicating. Let her know her behavior makes it difficult to be around her and you will not accept it

  2. You don’t need to stay in contact with your sister if you don’t want to.

    Your sister is accountable for her own actions, but you need to keep your eyes and ears open and allow for the possibility of change. She’s 18. None of us want to be damned by the shitty choices we make at 18. You also want to avoid blaming her for the behaviour of your father or painting everyone with the same brush. Your sister is not responsible for your relationship with your own parents or your feelings towards them. Part of really growing up as siblings is starting to recognize each other as real people, not just people who exist when Mom or Dad is in the mix.

    Minimize your contact with your sister, but I wouldn’t suggest ‘cutting her off’. Direct confrontation is unlikely to work with an 18-year-old living in a toxic parent’s home. Just keep your distance and make decisions as to how to handle it for now, not how you handle it for the rest of your lives.

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