I’ve never been a very self confident person, but over the last year or two I’ve noticed I’m way less confident etc.

Literally 5 minutes ago (And not for the first time) I’ve came to the ‘Realisation’ that I’m quite literally an uninteresting and bang average person.

my friends are great at certain things, One is great with people, ones funny, ones great at sports, But me?

I couldn’t name a single quality about me that would make me stand out to anyone.
I’m the shy, awkward kid that noticeably hates human interaction.
I’m the kid in school that seems to have genuinely made no friends since they were 7 (I’m 13, and if your wondering, I’ve made a singular friend in almost 7 years)
I suck at being nice to people no matter how hard I try, to go along with that, I have a very short temper.
And just to wrap it all up, I very visible have no confidence in myself.

I am a 20x worse person than everyone around me, and I wonder how I still have friends.

1 comment
  1. Nobody has themselves figured out at 13. Most people put on the front that they are though. Its why its pointless to compare yourself to what you see on the surface of others, it doesn’t give you a complete picture of that person. You don’t know their weaknesses and insecurities because most people guard those things very closely.

    >I am a 20x worse person than everyone around me, and I wonder how I still have friends.

    You are not worse than anyone. Everyone has flaws. You’re the only one aware of all of yours, same is true for all of us. Being funny, being great at sports, these are superficial qualities. They don’t dictate the value of a person or the value of a friend.

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