So I was out at a club with my mates and I saw a girl I was kinda friends with who I’d kissed once before. We started making out and ended up going back to mine after. We didn’t have sex as she was on her period but we did other stuff. We met up with my mates in the morning and got food before she headed home.

I then was gonna go out the next night too but ended up being too tired. Two of my mates went though, including one who went the previous night. He’s one of my closest friends and I’ve known him for years. I went to bed after they headed out. He came back around 4am and woke me up to tell me he’d made out with the girl I was with the night before, and also that my other mate (22M) went home and slept with my ex (22F). He then didn’t even apologise or anything and just went to bed on my sofa.

I know she has no obligation to not do that and nor does he but it just felt a little off. He kisses multiple people a night usually and this was my first time taking someone home in like 9 months. The girl talked about wanting me to go out that night before she left earlier in the day, and then my mate got with her instead. I don’t know whether I should be or have the right to be upset with my mate though.

I’m also there again tomorrow night and I know she’ll be out so I’m not entirely sure what to say if she comes up to me again. Any advice is much appreciated, thanks.

TL;DR: my mate made out with the girl I took home the night after. I hadn’t taken anyone home in months but he usually kissed multiple girls a night.

  1. It sounds pretty objectifying, tbh. It doesn’t sound like he knew you had feelings for her. It sounds like he just thought she was easy. The fact he told you makes me think he thought making out with her was NBD, that it was just a way for both of you to get off.

    The guy who slept with your ex is a bit of a douche, though.

  2. Hang out with shitty people you are bound to get splashed with shit once in a while.

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