I (19M) have been on a few dates and I have still never kissed anyone, even when things were going well and I was attracted to them. I am shy, which is mainly why I never initiated a kiss. But I have even been in a relationship for 2 months without giving a single kiss, (she was asexual, so in her opinion it was up to me).

Now I would like to be able to do this successfully for the girl I am currently dating, as I want to do it but I just can’t seem to cross some imaginary line.

So now my question is, how do you like feel the right moment for a kiss and what’s a good way to approach it?

  1. Get close and tell her that her hair is really shiny. Run you fingers through it and stare at it. Then move in. If she thinks you love her hair she will let you kiss her wonderful full lips. Then you’re all the way there. msg me if you need help. Love A. 💗

  2. If it makes you feel better, I was in a five month relationship once where we never kissed lol.

    But yeah, as someone else said, just ask. Then you know for sure that it’s the right time

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