I (23F) ended my toxic relationship 4.5 months ago and am currently on dating apps. I went on a date with a guy (23M) who is very cute, outgoing and is smart but he has a lot different interests than mine. I am not in a rush to start a new relationship with him, I just want to see where it goes and how it makes me feel but am a little concerned because my exes had similar interests as me and we always could keep the convo going. But it didn’t work with neither of them (both relationships were hard to be in and toxic) so maybe try with a little different guy this time and it will be fine. Idk, what do you think?

  1. Common values are much more important than interests for myself. I don’t really care if they like the same shows as me, I do however care very much if they have the same goals and values regarding stuff like marriage, kids, monogamy etc…

  2. Differences are a good thing but they shouldn’t be too big because you will eventually argue about them the longer your relationship goes. For example I’m an extrovert, who also enjoys doing things alone. however „do things alone“ means I go out and do things alone. I dated an introvert and we enjoyed each other’s company but with time I got frustrated because I always wanted to do something with her and she got frustrated because she had no problem staying inside all the time. Didn’t work out but it was worth the try.

  3. Sure, the most important things are deeper. Do you have the same beliefs and communicate well?

    I don’t care what a partner does, if they respect me and we communicate well, then I’m happy.

  4. A successful relationship doesn’t require 2 people to have similar interests persay. Unless it’s like wildly different like one is into wilderness survival and the other is a gamer. But as long as u get along and can try new things etc.

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