Appreciation post for my hubby. Long distance, I love and miss him so much. I’ll be with him soon and I can’t wait, it’s all I look forward to, haven’t been in his arms since November, and didn’t even know when I’ll see him again. It hurts. It sucks. But he’s worth it.

He’s been working out and getting sexier each day, I can’t wait to physically see him and brag about how sexier he’s getting. His wedding band doesn’t fit him anymore and first thing we’ll do is get him a new one, I wanna get it for him, I wanna propose to him, it feels like I’m gonna marry him again which I would do over and over and over and over.

You guys if your SO is physically around, do not take it for granted, hold their hands, give them a kiss, a hug, a loving smile, show them physical love the way you like to. I don’t wish this long distance upon anyone, but it truly taught me how to appreciate every second I get to spend with him. He’s the best man I could ever love and call my husband.

  1. This post made my day, thanks for sharing. I hope you guys have many happy years ahead of you.

  2. Wishing you both the best! I’ve been through long distance with my husband and it was a painful experience but it only made our affection for each other even stronger, and I appreciate every day I’m with him now. Never take love for granted!

  3. This was a joy to read. As a husband, thank you for appreciating and loving your man. Wishing you both the best!

  4. Thanks for sharing! Seldom see such positive posts here! Glad to see the connection and passion are still going strong despite long distance. With you both all the best 🙂

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