How selective are you about who you invest energy and time into?

  1. Very very selective these days. I have fibromyalgia and barely have the energy for the people and activities I love, let alone for those I feel lukewarm about.

  2. Very. I spend a lot of time analyzing people before I will give them any of my energy.

  3. I’m a teacher, I must be careful with how I spend my energy. With the media, parents, admin, and students against us, the last thing we need is anymore drama in our lives. Even if that means cutting off toxic family members.

  4. Very. Life is too short to be putting up with people who I don’t enjoy being around.

  5. Extremely selective. Social interactions generally take a lot of energy for me mentally and physically and I already work a job talking to people all day. Also if someone is not modeling the life or mindset that I want myself, I try not spend much time with them.

    I.E. spending time with someone who constantly complains about their lack of physical fitness but doesn’t do anything about it makes me feel guilty about feeling really good about my physical fitness. Or someone who is really dissatisfied with their job or relationship is the same. I personally find it difficult to feel happy around people who are not happy and I don’t want to sit around and vent all day.

  6. Well it has to feel really sincere to me to continue because I do feel that there is a real lack of sincerity in todays society. I also think that if you’re settling, are you really living life?

  7. Extremely. The only people I keep in my life are friends I’ve had for over a decade, and people I appreciate the fuck out of.

  8. Pretty selective honestly don’t have a lot of energy for people as a introvert, lol.

  9. Very. I’ve spent way too much time running myself ragged and chasing people (partners, friends, family) trying to maintain something, only to be shown that they didn’t give a fuck about me or my feelings. I spent almost 30 years of my life always being the one to reach out first, because I was terrified that if I didn’t, I’d hurt people. Fuck that, I’m looking out for my own needs first now.

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