I see a lot of people buying “local” meat etc because of fewer air miles, but as per Our World in Data, food miles are a tiny proportion of the greenhouse gas emissions from food, with most of it stemming from land use change and farm operations https://ourworldindata.org/food-choice-vs-eating-local

What could we be doing that is good for the environment?

  1. Well I could turn that question around and ask that where does all the fruit and veg comes from that isn’t in season this time of year?

  2. It’s not bad if you assume they were going to buy the meat anyway.

    Yes the amount of greenhouse gas involved in the transportation is tiny compared to the overall total, but it’s still probably better buying a kilo of beef from Yorkshire than a kilo of beef imported from Argentina.

  3. EVs. The metal mining ruins environments, electrical fires are very difficult to put out, extra power needs produced to power these EVs, list goes on.

  4. Buying the latest all electric SUV.

    A new sensible sized EV requires less materials to build and uses less energy to drive around. Also less deadly to other people.

    Even better if you can, walk, bike, or use public transport.

  5. Buying any cloths for its environmental benefits when in reality not buying another T-shirt or going to the charity shop is much better.

    Cutting down on unneeded purchases in general is the best thing we can do.

  6. On the topic of meat, lots of people don’t realise hunting/buying meat that’s been killed by a hunter is pretty much the most ethical way of consuming meat.

  7. Buying reusable food containers and not re using them because after the first week you can’t find a matching container and lid.

  8. Eating vegan food flown in from halfway across the world?
    Using big cooperations like amazon to order your wooden containers?

  9. Local farms producing meat likely use more sustainable and less intensive or environmentally damaging techniques.

    Also there’s the bonus of supporting a local business rather than a big multi-national enterprise.

    Sustainability is a combination of social, environmental and economic factors.

  10. I’ve had arguments with people who have told me that you shouldn’t press the button to cross the road because stopping and starting makes cars use more fuel, and that extra pollution is on the pedestrian for stopping the traffic rather than the driver.

  11. Making the effort to pick up their dog shit but then leaving it on the pavement in a plastic bag.

    You’d have been better off just leaving it there to be slowly washed away by the rain you silly cunt.

  12. Not buying plastic toys for the children when not having children in the first place is far better

  13. People that put Astro Turf in their gardens to save water because they’ve absorbed some Astro Turf marketing. You don’t live in Arizona bozo, your grass would grow fine without being watered. Instead you’ve created a love island esque baron wasteland no animals will ever visit.

  14. I’m pretty sure people buy local meat to say they are supporting local farmers.

  15. Vegan leather. It’s fucking plastic which we need to stop using and producing especially in clothing.

  16. I actually read a paper today on the carbon footprint of EMAILS.

    We’ve gone from “send an email instead of a letter” to “could that email have been shorter” and to the best of my knowledge it wasn’t satirical.

  17. People who insist on purchasing e.g. roses in the middle of winter, who think that it’s better for the environment to buy roses grown in the UK (in greenhouses which have to be equipped with artificial lighting and which have to be heated) instead of buying roses from Africa that are grown and harvested outdoors and flown into the UK.

  18. Almond milk – most come from California and growing them ruins both the ecosystem and is insanely water intensive

  19. Recycling pizza take away boxes, the grease that gets into the cardboard has to be thrown away because it can damage the machinery

  20. Let’s not bash our hardworking farmers and their livelihoods please, you wouldn’t have food on the table without them.

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