Early thirties hetero guy here and I almost never receive a compliments except from other men. Even when I’m on dates with women, I’ll compliment them but they’ll never compliment be back. Not even so much as a you look nice or thats a good smelling cologne….nothing.

I assume they wouldn’t be able on a date with me if they at least didn’t find me a little attractive, so what gives?

  1. I’m 33 man, when it happens it’s like we just saw a unicorn. It’s normal don’t beat yourself up.

  2. I’ve never received a physical compliment from a woman I wasn’t dating exclusively or married to.

  3. I get compliments/praise maybe once every couple of years. Gotta learn to be your own hype man sometimes.

  4. 33M, I only get compliments from women who are married/partnered and aren’t actually into me. Which I think messes with my head more than if I just got none at all. Had a gf once that would tell people not to compliment me because she didn’t want me to “get a big head”. Had a FWB for a summer about a decade ago. She would give me 1 compliment every time we saw each other. That was a life-changing experience and finally helped me come out of my shell. Nothing really since then tho 🤷‍♂️

  5. When I actively get dressed up yes. Otherwise not really. But! Take the opportunity to hype up other men! Men are my biggest supporters and I love that

  6. Only if we make it to the bedroom part, then they compliment.

    Sometimes they say “you’re funny” though.

  7. I get compliments on my cologne, but it’s hard to be proud of that since anyone can buy & wear it.

  8. Men receiving compliments and being made to feel nice to considered a deviation from societal expectations unfortunately.

    That being said, it is an amazing feeling.

  9. 32M yup, agreed. Only compliments I’ve received from women are GF’s – but when I’m single it’s always from other guys. Just the way it is I’m afraid!

  10. Can’t remember ever being complimented, but it’s cool, I don’t “need” it, although I can imagine it would feel good to get one.

  11. I’m 25 and it’s like that for me. Woman should give us compliments more often idk what’s up with that fr. You’re handsome king fr tho 👑

  12. I’ve received maybe **5** in my life. I’m 40 years old.

    Two were calling out hiring practices where people who refuse to work were promoted over a hard worker. So basically praised for my brutal honesty.

    Now how many times have I been called weird, probably over 5k.

  13. I’ve noticed that most women that compliment men are people who don’t get compliments often so that may be why you mostly get compliments from men

  14. yeah theyre few and far between. all my friends are women, still very low on compliments. although since i upgraded my wardrobe its been better for sure

  15. I feel so sad to hear that men don’t get compliments very often! I constantly hype up my boyfriend and he’s mid thirties. I get very flattered and embarrassed when he compliments me, so I always like to make sure it’s being reciprocated. 💕 “you smell good” “you have sexy forearms” “damn you’re hung” lmaooo.

  16. I received a grand total of 3 compliments from women in my 3+ decades on this planet , and they all were just for the sake of reciprocation and most probably a lie 🤥🤪

  17. It’s sad that many men don’t get compliments from women. I love giving compliments to women, when it’s reciprocated it can go such a long way.

  18. This is accurate among most men I know in-person. I’ve been lucky to receive a few, but I wouldn’t be surprised if any man told me they haven’t received one in years.

  19. I compliment men and women all the time 🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️ Ive heard its rarely done so I make it a point to say something / compliment if I like something about someone. Also on dates if I like something specific about the guy I will deff compliment! Last date I went on I told the guy multiple compliments and got 0 back. So i think this is very person dependent.

  20. Dude a lot of women date men they don’t find physically attractive because they like something else about you. But personally for me I usually give women compliments but rarely do I give men compliments because a lot of men don’t put much effort into their appearance so there isn’t anything to compliment them on. But I give my boyfriend lots of compliments because he’s very attractive and puts a lot of effort into his appearance

  21. I’m going to take this as a challenge to meaningfully compliment the men in my life.

  22. Have you never had a past girlfriend compliment you? I feel like that’s generally when it happens. Im a girl and the main time I compliment men is when we are in a relationship. I’ll tell them they look handsome, I love x y z thing about them, etc. words of affirmation is a love language I do a lot.

  23. Its not luck, its ROI (return on investment). Give more compliments, recieve more compliments. As simple as that, but regardless complements are only for self validation and thats really all BS

  24. I don’t compliment men unless I’m pursuing dating them, otherwise, it has always invited unwanted attention.
    Yesterday I complimented a man I’ve talked to a handful of times at the gym, he’s 30yrs older, thought it was a safe bet. Then he texted me some creepy ass shit right after lol lesson learned again!

  25. Fellow dude. I’ve always gotten plenty of compliments from a teen to now, women have never showed a hesitation to say complimentary things.

  26. I do get compliments every now and then. This weekend a girl walked up to me just to tell me that she loved my hair, so can’t complain

  27. I’ve been complimented for my creative pursuits, and once was called an adonis by a poet, so I’ve been complimented.

    Those compliments only happened in music circles or deep into relationships, however. On normal dates, I don’t think I’ve ever been complimented to my face.

  28. I don’t feel this is normal because I compliment people all the time. But Words of Affirmation is one of my top Love Languages.

    I don’t think it means they’re not interested…but they may be holding back until they know 💯 that they are…so they don’t mislead.

  29. I think it’s just because women don’t wanna mislead men. Sometimes men take it the wrong way and get all weird. It’ll be nice to get more compliments, but I get it.

  30. I get compliments somewhat frequently. Anything from my looks or personality to how I smell. The thing is, women don’t compliment men in the same ways we compliment them. It’s like when a woman is sending a man subtle hints and he doesn’t pick up on them. You’re probably missing some because you’re not picking up on it.

  31. Last time I received a compliment regarding my appearance by someone my age, I was 16. I’m 34 now.

    Last time I received a compliment regarding my personality by someone my age, was 5 years ago.

  32. 25 here, last time I got a compliment was when my grandmother told me how tall I have gotten.

  33. Only when you give out compliments, hold yourself wirh confidence and stand out to look unique will you receive some compliments
    Source- personal experience

  34. I’ve only gotten compliments from women who basically are like someone’s grandma, granted it’s the stereotypical “handsome young man” kind of compliment, but still.

    Otherwise, I can’t say I have ever gotten one, of at least memorably received one either, to be honest. I haven’t exactly known many to compliment me, but it could just be guys do get them, we just simply don’t register them for some reason, unless it’s by a person of interest I guess. And the date thing, I honestly think it’s just a cultural thing, either you’re raised by someone who had given compliments, or you aren’t. Plus, compliments on smell or appearance for men isn’t really something guys directly or immediately register, but I feel like we notice when it happens for others more often, not always, but just more often is all. So you might be getting them, it just amply doesn’t get registered and noticed if it’s by someone that’s a complete stranger.

  35. I’m 45 and I can count on one hand how many compliments I’ve received in my entire life.

  36. i got a complement 11 years ago. it was a really good day. mostly just gotta be your own hype man, especially if you’re a words of affirmation person

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