I have literally nobody in my life to date. My crush rejected me, and now I’m getting feelings for my damn ex again who I’ve broken up with way too many times, and she’s not ready to be in a relationship again. There’s other girls around me that I’ve known for a while but I either feel literally nothing towards them or it’s all platonic. So I don’t know what to do now. I guess I should probably just stay single for a while, but I literally cannot stand being alone. It’s basically all I think about and it eats away at me. I feel completely hopeless. I just want Someone to love and be affectionate with. That’ll treat me right. That’s it, that’s all. But, whatever…
Anybody that reads this doesn’t have to say anything. Just know that I appreciate you reading this and dealing with my whining.

  1. Start getting involved in stuff outside of work. Find sports to play, organizations to volunteer with. Expand your circle of friends that way to start. The dating opportunities will follow.

  2. Try being alone. You will absolutely hate it at first, but then it’s the most freeing feeling you’ll ever feel. I recommend getting a pet, if you don’t have one. That helps with the lonely nights.

    From 18-30 I’ve always had a boyfriend. My break up at 30, I had no idea how to be alone. I didn’t want a date yet, I knew I needed to work on myself before getting back out there.

    At first I hated it, I hated the silence, I hated no one being around. I hated that my friends couldn’t be with me 24/7 and especially hated sleeping alone at night.

    Then, something happened..I felt so incredibly free. I started eating at restaurants alone, table for 1, how cool, how exciting to be that confident in your independence to eat alone. I play disc golf, and being able to do that alone with my dog, going on hikes, it all felt empowering.

    I know it’s so hard right now to be alone, but trust me you’ll feel so grateful you did it.

    You’ll realize you don’t need anyone, and when the right one comes along, it’s because you want them, and it’s not because you’re lonely.

  3. I’m kinda feeling the same I guess. I’m 24. Only difference is I’ve never been in a relationship ever. I have female friends but it’s platonic like you. Whenever I tell people I’ve never been on a date, they always judge and think it’s a red flag. In my current situation it seems being 24 and not being in a relationship ever is more of a red flag than having an ex. Maybe I’m over reacting. Hang in there! 👍

  4. I felt like this would be me but I’m still 21 😂
    Idk life’s already hard and having someone makes me overthink a lot and just would add up my burdens and responsibility lol. I’ve been trying to change my mind seeing how my friends got into relationships but damn being single is fun tho haha

  5. So I’m recently single after being in long term relationships back to back. I can tell you that being single is probably the best thing you can do. It’s about learning to give yourself that affection, and then if you feel lonely leverage your support system.

    Hang out with friends, set goals for yourself, and try new things. I promise you, once you start doing you there will be tons of people flocking to you. But this time, you’ll meet someone that complements you not just fills the emptiness . Sending you all the good vibes 💛

  6. Maybe it would be best for you to stay single a little while. To love and appreciate your time you have with yourself. I was the same, and I’m learning to appreciate MY time more. It’s amazing, and you eventually won’t crave an ex or some other person for those feelings your wanting. Because you’ll be able to do that for yourself! It’s normal to want those things.. it’s just not healthy for you when your to a point you’ll want to go back to someone who doesn’t want you just to have that. Make sense??

  7. Man I feel for you! I really do! I used to feel this way, and all I can say is all the annoying advice about focusing on yourself – it really does help!! If you aren’t happy alone, you won’t actually be happy with someone else (maybe at first, but not in the long run, not when they can’t fill all the holes you have inside, and then you’ll start resenting them for not being the answer you thought they would be). Learning to love spending time with yourself makes you way more attractive to others! (And it makes your life more enjoyable)

    And, start doing things that you enjoy doing, and being active in new environments. It will help you meet new people out if your normal sphere, and if it’s something you enjoy, you’ll find people with similar interests.

  8. Work on having a positive mindset by keeping yourself busy with passions and hobbies. Additionally, therapy is a must if you want to break bad habits, and form healthy relationships (especially with yourself). Keep busy with friends and travel. I was feeling anxious, too, because I kept telling people that I was ready for something serious and I wanted a bf – but now something has changed. I don’t have expectations anymore, no one is “living rent free”, and I trust the universe will send me someone special.

  9. Do u want a One on One Relationship? U need to know what u want…that’s all it is

  10. I’ve been doing things alone for 2 years. Still trying to figure out what’s so great about it. I don’t let it stop me from doing what I want, but some damn company would be nice.

  11. You’ll always be single until you’re not. What is your future partner like? when and where will you find them? You won’t know til you meet them.

    This is like saying you’ll never have a favorite book because the 10 you’ve read weren’t that great.

  12. I used to feel this way… I used to sometimes have a random breakdown and feel like I’m forever alone.

    But end of the day if you cannot find a way to.be happy by yourself you won’t find it in someone else. Find a hobby to distract yourself and learn to love yourself first

  13. Sending u love sis/bro. U gonn be fine go out enjoy life plenty of fish out there dont stress

  14. If I’m reading things right, you’re 14. You are super young to feel this way. You have your whole life ahead of you and you don’t need to have someone in your life to date now.

    Take care of yourself first and the right person will come along. You don’t need to date as a teen. I was 32 when I started dating.

  15. Oh don’t be upset bro. Even though you feel anxious about your singularity, you will get used to it so much in the future that the word love will be out of your daily schedule. You will be too busy working, gaming, reading novels or other sorts of literature, but don’t read dramas, it’s girls stuff. I’m not trolling you or claiming that it’s your fate. It’s just a possible future if you are exposed to your singularity for long enough

  16. I feel the same way, I am not an ugly gal (as physical seems to be important) & am pretty successful but can’t seem to find someone that I love. Been single for 26 years. What has helped me a lot has been reading books, hanging out with friends a lot, family, started a business, learning French, I believe that someday we’ll get our blessing but in the meantime work on becoming a better you. & don’t be shy on getting rejected. Keep shooting your shot when you find someone you’re attracted to.

  17. The first thing I would say is this. You are *not* alone in that feeling. In fact a more common worry could hardly be identified.

    But I would personally recommend not entertaining negative thoughts as hard as that can be. And if they arise, challenge them. “I feel like I’m going to be single forever” well, how do you know that for sure? That’s just one example

    Just don’t despair and try to make the best of your single life that you can now. Because a lot of this comes down to luck anyway. We cannot control whenever somebody decides they like us. I know that everytime it happened to me it was a complete shock.

  18. I HATED being romantically alone when I was a teenager. 14 was rough.

    I’m sure you’ve probably heard it before, but you have your whole life ahead of you to date. You will meet so many fantastic and wonderful girls and women in your life! You’ll look back on this time and hopefully have a laugh. I promise you, you will not be single forever!

  19. My brother is in the same boat. Work on you, stay single, you got to love yourself before loving someone else…and let something happen organically. Do you go out (bars, movies, bowling) etc…

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