What is the most overrated pleasure? Why?

  1. Comfort – because it’s the warm blanket that keeps us from challenging ourselves, stifling growth.

  2. The chase – I won’t say I’ve never had fun chasing something, but it was rare, and lukewarm at best.

  3. Pleasure is a positive thing by definition.

    Not sure what you mean by ‘overrated pleasure’.

    I would say ‘undeserved’ pleasure is not the best pleasure, such as

    * pleasure at the cost or suffering of others
    * consuming more than you create

    Come to think of it, I’m kind of ashamed I don’t even know the seven deadly sins. They pretty much sum it up quite well I think and I’m not even christian.

    Pride, Lust, Greed, Gluttony

    These four pretty much cover ‘corrupted pleasure’, if you will. I don’t think there is one which tops the other. Although they all share the theme of overindulging and chasing materialistic satisfaction including the body.

  4. Anal sex. There is absolutely nothing that makes it more preferable to vaginal sex except the sole reason of it being slightly taboo. Pussy is prettier, cleaner, funner, and normal.

  5. Getting wasted on alcohol. You barely remember anything, ruin your health, and your following day.

  6. Being slothful, lazing around. It feels so damn good and is comfortable but you don’t achieve anything from it.

  7. Sex is a bit overrated tbh. I do like it, but still overrated. I was a bit disappointed when I lost my v card ngl. Having the right person can definitely make it better, I guess my uncle and I just don’t have that chemistry.

  8. Eating. I’ll never understand how some people are so obsessed and get so much happiness from what they stuff into their mouth.

  9. Sex is massively overrated. Like, it’s fun and all but I wouldn’t break an appointment for it

  10. Alcohol, most people use it as an escape rather than to enhance their experience, I use to be a binge drinker and I thought I was using alcohol to have a good time, but I was really just using it to escape my unhappiness…if you asked me at the time if I was unhappy I would have told you no “no, I’m happy” but really I was masking my unhappiness with my job, my relationships, and my life in general, and I suspect this is what 90% of people do on a daily basis…come home, open a beer or drink some wine, forget about life for a short time before you have to get up and go to work in the morning.

    Now I drink sparingly, usually a small amount on a special occasion, or a couple of glasses of wine on a date, but never drink during the weekdays, and I rarely if ever get “wasted” anymore…being hungover and feeling like shit for 3 days seems so foreign to me now that it’s hard to even imagine thinking it was a good idea before lol

  11. Compersion; I’m personally to jealous of a person to appreciate that “pleasure”.

  12. Sex honestly, over and over again, i see people ruining their lives for it. I don’t get much from it, except for being sore, tired, and feeling gross during and after. I just don’t feel as great as people make it seem. It’s just made to be so dirty and overly sexual/sensual. The passion is lost, the intimacy is gone, it’s only sex now. There’s more to life and relationships than one thing that doesn’t even last for 30 minutes.

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