So this girl (F22-23?) and I (M21) met at a sports event where we got along pretty well. Eventually we made a bet (which she won) for a backrub. We then upped the bet the next dat for a shoulder massage (which I secretly let her win). I had to leave early so we exchanged numbers to do some sports together. She reminded me she also wanted to cash in the massage. She was really nice and I’d like to get to know her better, though I worry about my last text. (For context, I did show I like to make jokes a lot)

Yesterday evening, she texted me something along the lines of (translated):

>Reverend loser*,
>I hereby let you know that I accept your request for correspondence.
>The winner

*loser doesn’t have as much of a negative connotation in my language.

I replied with:
>Wellspoken winner,
>Your writings do me good. Joyfully I look forward to whence we meet again in sports. With pleasure I would hear when your agenda is free.
>Of course I shall offer you your well-won prize. Though I hope for a rematch, which allows me to win the same.
>The second-best

The messages don’t translate quite well into English, but her message used old words and was meant to be jokingly formal, which I went along with. Yet, it’s been over 36 hours and she hasn’t replied. Did I take the joke too far or am I worrying over nothing?

The worried.

  1. I think you did nothing wrong, maybe she’s having second thoughts. If a dude offered me massage in a friendly way I’d be inclined to see it friendly for a while before I’d arrive to conclusion it’s probably another Netflix and chill with extra steps..

  2. she may be having second thoughts about the massage. she could be less horny than she was when it all went down. as jerry seinfeld would say “i wouldnt push for the massage”.

  3. Stop overthinking it, let the deal go, and talk to her about her day and when you might be able to meet up again, if she brings it up again, then go for it, but maybe get to know each other better before you start rubbing each other up and down, as fun as that may be šŸ˜‚

  4. I hope she responds to you, seeing how well the date went, but sometimes people do this crap. And the sad thing about it is they don’t owe you anything. She could stop talking to you, and you would never know why.

  5. I think it was very clever response, I donā€™t see anything wrong with it.

    Unfortunately, thereā€™s a lot of unknowns. Maybe she was being serious or maybe she was just playing along. People can make a ā€œbetā€ but very rarely actually mean to go thru with it. Maybe sheā€™s busy, maybe she got distracted, maybe she just replied/messaged you out of boredom, who knows. You may never know really and that unfortunately happens a lot.

  6. You went with the theme of the messages. You weren’t crude or lewd so I don’t think it’s the message man.

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