Good or bad boyfriend?

Good or bad boyfriend?

My boyfriend (27) and I, the girlfriend (28) have been dating for almost 3 years. The first eighth months of our relationship was a nightmare because he treated me like shit. But we both worked on our relationship and ever since then, he’s been really good to me. Every time I come home from my stressful job, he makes sure there’s food on the table. He takes my car and get gas at night so I wouldn’t have to in the morning. The list goes on. We haven’t been intimate in a while and I’ve been feeling that we have been disconnected. I never had to worry about him with other girls because I know that he only likes me and only likes to hang with me. I’ve seen his phone before and he trolls the girls who reach out to him on his dms. Yesterday, I checked his phone because I just had the biggest hunch then boom. He commented on a girl’s selfie 4x on different days saying “Why are you so perfect”, “You’re so cute”, etc. He said it meant nothing and he’s just been lonely and had no one to talk to. Idk what to do tbh. It sounds like it’s a small thing but it’s a huge issue to me especially I’ve been cheated on multiple times. Dont know what to do

TL;DR: Good boyfriend relied on someone’s story saying “why are you so perfect” because he was lonely. Should I still be with him?

  1. Why stay with somebody who treated you like shit for 8 months? The comments are definitely an issue, and so is the way he is being dismissive of your concerns. Somebody who treats you like shit for 8 months doesn’t respect you as a person, and is more likely to cheat on you or just generally continue to treat you poorly.

  2. Honey, please, have more self-respect than this. You deserve so much better than a man who does the bare minimum of what could be considered nice then turns around and hits on other women behind your back.

  3. Thanks to everyone who commented but for clarification, he wasn’t the one who cheated on me multiple times. It was my bf before him. This is the first time he’s done something like this.

  4. Oy. Snooping is not the way to fix a disconnect. If he’s not cheated quit treating him like a cheater. Talk to him about how you’re feeling. Obviously he’s feeling the disconnect, too. Bringing up the early months of your relationship has nothing to do with this either other than to make him look bad.

  5. Every relationship has different parameters on what cheating is. If this is what YOU would consider cheating, then he cheated.

    Don’t wait around to catch him in a bigger lie, you deserve better even if it’s something that some people would deem small like commenting on others photos.

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