boyfriend cares a lot about what peeps think of him. Or he loves when he feels important. We work in the same office. And there is a girl in his department who constantly say loudly how handsome my boyfriend is. Sometimes, when my boyfriend is going to get coffee in the cafetaria of our office, she would be talking loudly to another colleague about how handsome he is or how she wants him just for him to listen. The colleague she is talking to will often call out to my boyfriend in the cafeteria saying “did you here what she said?” My boyfriend will always feign ignorance but later he would narrate to me what that girl said. By seeing his expression, I could tell he is loving the attention since he loves to feel important but would never give in to her attentions.
Now fast forward to today..he posted a story of his vacay in Italy and that girl commented “enjoy your vacay!”

He told me about it and this got me irritated because i didnt even know he was friend with her on FB. See he hides his friend list. He always tell me how he hates her because she already got a boyfriend but would still flirt with him. For someone you hate, you shouldnt be friend with her.

Just to see his reaction, I asked him to remove her from his friendlist. See, i would never ask my partner to remove someone from his friend list, I just wanted to see his reaction.

His reaction was: I can remove her from my friendlist but it would be awkward since we are in the same team..people will talk about it.

This turned me off..since his account is very private and rarely he post something. She will never notice.

If it would have been for me..if he asked me to remove someone with whom he got a bad feeling, I would have removed him without any question asked since he is important. I feel stupid now..

Am I overreacting?

Please reddit peeps give me some advice

TD;LR: My boyfriend is not interested in his colleague but I do feel he loves the attention

  1. You all sound like a bunch of junior high school students.

    Your boyfriend should report this crap as sexual harassment to his manager. You can do this as well because you’ve witnessed it. Even though he loves the attention, by not reporting it he is passively contributing to a culture of communicating about a person’s appearance. That could cost a company a lot of money in a lawsuit because it shows a pattern of acceptance.

    Try to be a professional and do the right thing.

  2. You played a stupid game and now you are in a stupid situation is basically what has happened.

    You created a little test for your boyfriend, but you are forgetting that your boyfriend is not you. You have all kinds of reasons why he should do exactly what you want him to do so that you can feel good on the inside. But the truth is that this is his life too and he will have to live with the consequences.

    I would encourage you to accept his decision as an individual person. It is his facebook. It is his friends list. It’s his decision. This woman really did no harm by commenting something nice and polite on a picture.

    I would encourage you to be cautious with this interest in this loud talker in his office. This is where he works. This is where he makes money.

  3. If the first two lines of your posts are true, he needs therapy because his acting like a teenager who’s willing to stand everything if it means he’s popular and cool.

    Also, an attention seeker never hates whoever gives them attention. He doesn’t hate her. And unless he understands he’s jeopardizing his relationship with you he’ll probably do nothing about it. Even then, it’s not 100% sure he’ll respond like you want.

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