Let’s say we divide dating into three stages. First would be getting to know eachother stage and the first 2 dates. Stage three would be an “official” relationship. Stage two is everything between srage one and three.

I always seem to blow it in stage 2. This is a problem I’ve had since high school. I’ve never really had a problem getting dates and building interest with women. Always goes the same though. Starts out with great chemistry, and we’re into eachother. We might makeout, or maybe sleep together. Then before I know it they’ll either break it off or ghost me.

I’d like to think I’m the “real” me from the start, so I’m not sure what’s putting them off. Maybe I just don’t know how to “act” during that stage of dating. Like maybe the way I act is good for the beginning but there’s something I need to change up at that point. I realize that a lot of people break it off in this stage, but I feel like it happens to me more than it should. I’ve probably been on more dates than any guy who isn’t a player.

I realize that this might be difficult to answer since none of you know me personally, but I’d appreciate any tips or advice.

1 comment
  1. With the limited information given, my first question would be how you act after you’ve escalated things physically.

    Do you start to push hard for “stage 3” as you put it? Do you take your foot off the gas completely? Either is an off putting change of pace that could turn a woman off.

    I’m not sure what your status is with these women, but are you in a place with them that you could simply ask them for their feelings on it? I’m sure if things ended amicably, they could be willing to give you some honest feedback. That’s the best place to get your answer from, full stop.

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