I have a photo of an artist (singer/songwriter) on my wall. I love the artist and have been a fan of hers since I was a kid. She’s the reason I play music now. Anyway ever since my gf saw it she’s obsessed with it. She doesn’t like it, and has always pushed me to take it down. I thought it was ridiculous honestly this photo is of someone I admire, nothing more. She kept pushing it so I asked her to be respectful to my boundaries and never pressure me again. And then, she literally took it down. She tore it off my wall when I wasn’t home. Idk why, I’m really pissed at her. She’s acting like she achieved some kind of victory and it’s irritating me.

  1. Toss her to the curb..obsessive jealousy about someone famous person, who you admire and will never really have any interaction with is sad and scary.

    so what do you do when someone blatantly violates your boundaries and ignores what your want or say, then destroys your property? you could bitch about it but then what is the point of boundaries…or you could have some sort of action on the matter, I.E dump that girl and find a bit more mature person to date.

  2. She acted like a small child. In her defense she is one.

    Buy a new picture of the artist, put it on your wall. Dump gf

  3. If she can’t handle you have a poster on your wall of an artist you admire, she is in no way mature enough to be in a relationship. Completely ridiculous.

  4. Your girlfriend is petty and childish and clearly doesn’t respect your boundaries. In your place I wouldn’t put up with that. Tell her if she ever disrespects you like that again she just broke up with you and mean it. If she does something like that again, walk immediately.

  5. Dump her ass. She will terrorize every dude she gets close to like this unless you show her how unattractive and creepy she’s being. Tell her she gave you “the ick”. That will send her straight to jesus and will force her to take a good hard look at what kind of person she really wants to be.

  6. INFO: She doesn’t have a right to vandalize your property, but we’re going to need to know what the photo looked like. Was the artist naked and/or in a provocative pose? Was the photo on the wall next to your bed? If it was an inappropriate photo, then it’s understandable why she would be upset about it, but she doesn’t have the right to take it down herself.

  7. She’s way to immature and insecure to be in a relationship. She’s still in her selfish toddler stage.

  8. It looks like it’s time for you to take out the trash(her) bro. You allow this kind of behavior now then you’re asking for a whole lot more bullshit down the line.

  9. Ok: let me break this down for you.

    Your girlfriend acted unreasonably.
    You set a boundary.
    She broke it.

    The next step is for you to actually implement the consequences that breaking your boundary would entail.

    Put the photo back up, and either break up with her or take a healthy break from the nut, while considering your options and at the very least until she sincerely apologises.

    I do believe in giving people second chances, but you have to respect yourself here.

    If she doesn’t show contrition, or understand what a boundary is, run for the hills.

  10. You told her your boundary and she stomped all over it. What are you going to do about that? You going to roll over and take it while she learns she can ignore your boundaries and you won’t do anything or are you going to break it off and get an even bigger poster of your favorite artist?

  11. Buy 2 new copies of that picture. Put one up. Tell her if she takes it down again you’ll break up with her. Then follow through if she does, and put the next one up after she’s gone.

  12. Did you say she’s 18? Or 8?

    Run, don’t walk, OP. You (or anyone) can do better.

  13. Ask her if the victory is worth it when you dump her. She may have won the battle but she lost the war.

  14. If you don’t break up, you are telling her it is okay to destroy your things.

  15. You should be pissed, what she did is absolutely not ok. You deserve better than someone jealous of paper and willing to destroy your property over it.

  16. Victory?

    No what she has done is sign the death warrant on your relationship.

    So you end the relationship.

    Tell her that she is insecure, unstable, and to top it off a fucking idiot, and that if you ever see or speak to her again it will be too soon.

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