I’ve just started seeing someone after long bad dating experience. And a few days we were have a conversation about work our futures and we came across the topic of sex. She told me she won’t use condoms or birth control. I’m not what to do because I’m ready for a kid but I always like having sex. And for those who respond with pull out , my pull out game is trash and she could still get pregnant from my pre cum. She also mentioned that she really furtile making easier for her to conceive.

Edit: I (24m) after have a slew of bad relationships and taking a break finally would a woman (25f) with two kids ages 2 and 5. We had it hit off and have been seeing each other for around 3 months. We were talking me eventually meeting her children and somehow she brought she doesn’t use condoms. She dislikes how they feel when having sex, she does want me use one and and said what about birth controls pills. She responded she won’t use condoms or any form of contraceptives. She has her own place and but I live with my parents after rough patch I gave up my apartment and moved in with them. I’m slowly getting back up on my feet I’ve dating other women with kids and I’m fine with that I’m just not fully prepared one of my own.

Update: I’m not sure how I can edit a post that has been locked so I’m reposting with an update. I’d like to thanks everyone for their feed back and state that I’ve ended the relationship not because of the refusing use to condoms or birth control. I ended because of her being indecisive along with being unable to answer necessary questions along flimsy excuses that make me out to be the bad guy. For example I asked a questions about the next steps if got her pregnant. The response i got was if it happens it happens but then she says she’ not gonna have another baby until she’s married and got a house then I responsed so sex is off the table from here one on out she responded with I didn’t say that. As for the flimsy excuse example I called her to follow up if she thought it through and had a better response but I got told she needed to for focus on driving so she couldnt continue the call and I told her found it odd you would say that because we talk all the time when your driving and you even call me at that time as well. She replied that’s different and if she’s needs to pay attention to the road now , she has to because she’s has a lot to lose and asked if I had a problem with that let her know. The kids I can handle , additional responsibilities, the increased cost sure I’ll rise up to meet any challenge. I worked my way out darker places but trying to make it work with a baby mama whose making things harder than it really has to be is my deal breaker . In the end all i can say my hearts is in the right stop but im looking for love in the wrong places.

As for the comments of stating I should already know the answer to the solution, I was looking for suggestions on how to conceive to use condoms or birth control or enlightened about other forms of contraceptives Iight have not been aware of like the new men’s birth control pill that will be launched later in 2022 .

  1. There’s a name for people that don’t use condoms or use birth control – we call them ‘parents’.

  2. Single mom of 1 here. Yeah run. Cause wtf. Especially being a single mom of 2 already 🤨🤨 not making sense. She’s tryna trap you bro. Get out while you can!!

  3. She wants to trap you so you stay a Provider.

    Once she gets pregnant she probably guilts u in also providing for her other Kids aswell even so they are not yours.

    You have to leave.

  4. > the new men’s birth control pill that will be launched later in 2022 .

    Dude there is no such thing.

    Wrap it up or get a vasectomy if you’re sure you don’t want kids …

  5. Holy hell. Stop thinking about how to get around to having sex with her and NOT suffering any consequences that will inevitably come with it. Please use your brain, OP, and don’t even touch her with a ten foot pole. Please. If you value your freedom AT ALL, no amount of sex will ever be worth it no matter how much she begs you to bed her.

    Believe nothing she says and RUN.

  6. She sounds dangerous. Two kids and still won’t use birth control? What is her end game? Yes I do believe you should move on.

  7. Yeah it was so obvious that she wanted you to become her baby daddy and take care of her. Glad you saw the light…

  8. Then just fucking don’t, don’t be an idiot, she obviously has issues or a breeding fetish, don’t get stuck playing daddy cause your the only idiot that’ll stick around

  9. her sex policy is why she has two kids , good chance from different fathers

    she is a train wreck good thing you are running for cover

  10. You don’t suck at the pull out method, the pull out method sucks. Glad you escaped this trap.

  11. >or allow me to use condoms

    That decision is yours but the better decision is… get out, now.

  12. Lol. 2 kids at 25 and planning another? Unless you are loaded and love kids then gtfo

  13. Refusing to use any form of birth control is ALWAYS a red flag unless you EAGERLY want to be a parent. And anyone who wants to eagerly parent in a. brand new relationship IS A RED FLAG IN HUMAN FORM.

    Even if she had “good” excuses, none of them could ever be good enough

  14. So she already has two kids, doesn’t want to use any form of birth control, yet doesn’t want any more kids until she’s married? She makes no sense. She’s gonna end up with a bunch of kids. She is trying to baby trap you. The refusal of any form of birth control, should have been a reason to end things. Never date a woman who refuses to use any form of birth control. There are non-hormonal OTC birth control options besides condoms. If you don’t avoid these women, you’ll end up with a bunch of kids.

    ETA: Do **NOT** listen to anyone who says get a vasectomy. Doctor do not perform them on a man who wants kids someday. It’s a form of permanent birth control. Reversals aren’t guaranteed to work. You get a vasectomy because you don’t want to have kids, or you’re done having kids.

  15. She sounds dumb. I knew a lady like her. Guess what, at 35 she had several kids with different guys. Who could have guessed.

  16. I don’t think you are a very good judge of character. The fact that you didn’t immediately run for this hills just means that you yourself have some red flags you need to work on.

  17. WTF? Honeyboy, run run run. Plenty of girls out there who will insist on contraception.

  18. >I’d like to thanks everyone for their feed back and state that I’ve ended the relationship not because of the refusing use to condoms or birth control

    Bruh, seriously?

  19. She’s looking for her third check per month. Stay away from the breed cow

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