We matched on bumble, and she seemed like she was interested. We talked back and forth for a few days and I asked her out and she agreed. On the day of the date (today), I send her a confirmation text basically telling her I’m looking forward to seeing her, no response. I wait about two hours and I go to send another text asking if she’s still on. I’m blocked. I go on bumble, she unmatched me… it just baffles me, how people don’t care about others feelings and string them along, like why did you even agree in the first place. Dating has normalized this which is annoying honestly, this hurts.

  1. You’re going to get stood from time to time. I don’t plan dates with girls unless I have there number and we’ve talked at least on the phone a few times. Stop using bumble, it’s wack. Use Facebook or tinder, an app for a specific race/religion.

  2. Tinder and bumble the only matches I get are actually ghost profiles, they match no response, no interaction not a damn thing. Tiered if this shit 🥺

  3. That’s the thing, besides dating apps being difficult to make work, there’s this mindset that people don’t ‘owe anyone anything’ through speaking on an app, so the lack of effort and consideration can be really high. Besides this, if they’re on the app for wrong reasons, this can affect the genuineness of who you meet.

    It’s disappointing for sure. Go out and meet people in person too, this can help gauge a person better.

  4. you have to take dating like a grain of salt. That’s the only way you’ll keep your sanity. You literally can not care and see everyone as just a potential friend or to hang out with when your bored. I think you made the right move confirming but on the positive side, at least you didn’t have to drive anywhere to waste your time..

  5. I’m sorry. I don’t understand how we’ve gotten to this place of no communication or decorum when dealing with each other while dating. No deserves that.

  6. Disappointing indeed. Recalibrate your emotions. I learned to live with hopes, not expectations.
    Hopes are shared. Expectations are imposed, are often unmet, unfulfilled, which always leads to conflict, to winners and losers like now for you.
    So dial back expectations to hopes.
    Think of baseball. Batter hopes to get a hit. If he gets on base 4 out of 10 times, it’s great. Ted Williams for example.
    And when two people discover a hope they share in common, and decide to pursue it together, life becomes an adventure.
    Or, you can go on living with expectations, bitter disappointments, and go on feeling sorry for yourself.
    Part of maturity is learning how to deal with disappointments, to process it, get over it, and move on.
    Like the batter who strikes out, flies out, or grounds out twice in a game. But will come back to the plate and get a timely hit or a walk in his third at bat. Or even get an RBI driving in the batter who got on base before him.
    So decide to get over the poor kid who stood you up.
    Put it out of your mind. She is not worth the misery you are healing on yourself by whining.
    Refocus on the next at bat,the next conversation.
    You may find a real doll, who thinks you are a champion.
    You two may discover shared hopes, and excitement and attraction builds. As you hang out together, a bond of friendship forms …
    But none of that will happen if you focus on the past.
    Look to the future with hope. That future will be bright.
    I’m 72. I’ve been there. Good luck.

  7. That’s not being stood up on a date, still shitty but yea.

    Getting stood up requires you to actually show up while she does not without a valid explanation.

  8. Let’s be honest, if women had to ask men out and gotten rejected at the same rate men do, women wouldn’t be able to handle it.

    It goes both ways. Men should take rejection well and women have to be upfront and at least say if they are interested or not.

    Stay strong. We all gotten rejected, stood up, blocked, ghosted, and ignored. It shows her true character. In my opinion, she didn’t even have the courage to at least say she wasn’t interested and didn’t respect your time. She isn’t worth it.

  9. This is the pitfall of modern dating. Everything is at arms length. I am newly single and I shudder at the thought of more apps and meeting people who might be poles apart from what I want

    I guess the positive is that I am really clear about what I want these days

    I don’t accept any bullshit …. Unless you are out of this world, funny, physical and smart

    Expectations set high ….. no compromise

  10. Exactly the same thing happened to me. She wouldn’t respond when I sent her the confirmation message, and then I showed up to the spot and when I messaged her telling that I was there, I saw that she blocked me. The I checked Insta and every other social network we had added each other on, and found out I was blocked from everything. It sucks that people do shit like that without blinking 🙃

  11. It’s happened to me too, honestly it’s hard and discouraging. And the one guy I did meet up with, didn’t speak English he used Google translate which I didn’t find out till we met up. 5 minutes after meeting he asked if we could move in together. It was creepy.

    All that aside I mainly came here to say you’re not alone! Dating is hard, meeting anyone in person or online is hard. But I hope you don’t give up

  12. Women are like horses they spook easy. It sucks and there are women who don’t care about how people feel.

  13. oh the time wasters. you just got unlucky. i don’t know what time wasters get out of it. it’s sad

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