What is a belief that most people hold that you do not agree with?

  1. Nobody can make you feel one way or the other, it’s entirely intrinsic and your own responsibility.

  2. My body my choice. There are tons of choices we don’t get to make with our bodies.

  3. oh boy, where to start that wont get deleted.

    Quit bitching about history being evil, its literally all of history people was evil even recent history. Your history isnt better or worse than anyone elses. Besides the british yall kinda win on being evil in history

  4. Dude, that person can speak 7 languages he’s smart. No, it just means that more people can understand if they are a dumbass

  5. We are somehow more than aminals .. it’s fucking bonkers the mental gymnastics people wanna go through to avoid the truth that we are apex predators that made up a bunch stories so we don’t have to feel bad about killing other shit and other people .. bonkers .. we are apes ..

  6. That man can rise above his nature with enough education and social conditioning.

  7. I don’t think marriages should be about love, or that love is a good enough reason to marry someone.

  8. That if someone got rich they must be smart. Most likely helped a lot by privilege, luck, or both

  9. Religion or god of some sort, faith/divine revelation as a means of knowledge, being selfless is moral.

  10. That we are a more equal society now than fifty or a hundred years ago. Bullshit, we just shuffled things around a bit and got better technology.

  11. Most people are in trash relationships because they had this thought process: “Oh they’re hot and we get along okay, let’s be together”. This is usually because of they think with their dick/pussy or worry that it’s the best they can get and lock it down. No wonder these people break up relatively quickly.

  12. Body count, from my experience, has been a relatively accurate judgement tool.

    No-one can convince me it doesn’t tell a lot about a person.

  13. That humans evolved from monkeys and gorillas. Yet monkeys and gorillas can drink water from puddles and eat live rodents. Yet we would die if we tried that. This is impossible if evolution makes creatures stronger and better adapted to their environment.

  14. I don’t think men and women are that different tbh. The things one complains about the other, they themselves are often times just as guilty of, or would be if they were in that scenario. We’re all just human.

  15. That personal space and outside world is worth sacrificing relationships. Better not get in one.

  16. That people are generally good.
    I think I conceptualize morally good differently.
    Most people are neutral, some are decent, few are good, plenty are tolerable and just as many are absolute trash

  17. That anyone is in any way obligated to make the world a better place and that there is anything wrong with just being selfish and not giving a shot about the world.

  18. The old “it’s just a dog” phrase. No, it’s MY dog (and a living, breathing being).

  19. Right? The excuse for misery being “god never gives you more than you can handle.”

  20. That not everyone in America can make it in America even if they try hard enough.

    I have seen too many people succeed. Millions of migrant, poor, or disabled people have made it big.

  21. That we would never let something as evil as the Holocaust happen again. Yet north Korea has generational prisons -North Korea law specifies ‘three generations of punishment’. If you commit a crime, your chil¬dren and grandchildren will also receive the full brunt of punishment, which often involves a lifetime in prison. Children born in prison are raised as prisoners because their “blood is guilty” . Not to mention slaves still exist in other countries. Yet we never talk about it

  22. The way how people think now will be forever. Personally I think that people are constantly changing through their lifes especially when they’re young and if they don’t then it will have awful consequences for them. I found 15, 16 or even 20 years old people who believe in something about relationships, family, work and other important things as the “right way to think” and for them it will be forever right and they even had mistakes and it’s ridiculous.

  23. Democracy absolutely doesn’t work, because the average person is an idiot (me included) and are easily influenced to vote against their own interests. It is however the best system we have at the moment and I’m not smart enough to think of something better that’s not a benevolent dictator (good luck finding one of those)

  24. That nothing can travel faster than the speed of light, it just doesn’t make sense to me.

  25. That your kids should be number one priority

    I disagree because my wife is my number one priority. She’s my ride or die.

    Obviously I keep a roof over our heads and food in all our mouths and get our kids to school. (aka giving them a good start to life)

    But after that? Wife’s needs matter more. I make sure our relationship is good.

    My kids will leave me, they’ll hopefully meet someone in college or after college and move away.

    My wife is gonna be with me till the end. She is the one I want to see when i’m taking my last breath, not my kid that comes to visit every christmas then goes away to have their own family.

    It’s surprising how many people disagree with this take tho.

  26. Toxic masculinity. I do not believe masculinity to be toxic at all. Masculinity at its core is to protect, serve, and feed their own, regardless of how the man feels on a given day. It’s when men decide to act how they feel (not provide if he doesn’t feel like it, not protect when he is afraid, not serve if he is upset) or even worse, act on their anger by shooting up his community or raping women he is meant to protect that is toxic. That’s not to say being feminine is wrong at all, as every man carries feminine traits and every woman carries masculine traits.

    It is important to observe that you feel a certain way and to acknowledge it, but we must not act on it. Ultimately, we love unconditionally despite all love we recieve being on condition. We have a purpose, it’s when we as men don’t serve our purpose or we as men partake in the pursuit of pleasure that we become dangerous and bad.

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