My girlfriend and I have been dating for a bit more than a month now and the times we attempted having sex, I couldn’t develop and keep a full erection, making penetration almost impossible, even though I’m literally obsessed with her and she’s one of the hottest women I’ve ever had the pleasure of seeing naked. I always ended up fingering her which she also enjoys, which is however of course not the same. Last night, we tried something new, both of us masturbating next to each other and her whispering dirty things into my ear. It was probably the hottest situation I’ve ever experienced and she was begging me to orgasm so she could taste me, however after almost 20 minutes of masturbation, I still couldn’t finish. It was the same when she gave me a blowjob. I was feeling really bad for her.

When masturbating alone, I never seem to struggle to develop a full erection and finish. So, what’s wrong with me?

  1. Stop masturbating and watching porn for a while. Make sure you’re healthy in other ways. Mentally and physically. Low stress, good sleep adequate exercise and hydration. You may have some anxiety and stress around sex itself. It took me a while to orgasm with my first girlfriend.

  2. I’ve run into this problem with several partners, but as the girl. Based on my own experience, you’re probably just nervous and it will go away with time. Make sure she knows you’re very attracted to her and that’s why this is happening. Focus on relaxing and getting out of your head – practicing mindfulness and meditation, in and out of the bedroom can help with this. You should also just continue to focus on her pleasure in the meantime.

  3. It sometimes happens. At least ir happened to me. You are probably really nervous with her because you find her really attractive, and you dont want to screw it. I would recommend telling her that is just mental pressure in your mind, and that you find her really attractive. Try eatinh healthy and doing some exercise. Relax

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