Hello everyone,

first things first, I know this is usually a big no-no, but please read on and let me know what you think.

I (F28) want to give my number to a guy (looks to be around the same age as me) at a local cannabis shop. I’ve never seen him outside of his work, otherwise I would just approach him outside of work. I know he has to be nice to me while working in customer service, and I really don’t want to make him uncomfortable. I haven’t been able to get it off my mind so I am considering giving him a note next time I go to the shop that says:

“Hey! Sorry if this is weird, but you seem pretty cool so I thought it might be nice to chat outside of work sometime. No hard feelings if you’re not interested! If I don’t hear from you, we can pretend this never happened 🙂 (insert my phone number here).”

This is not the only shop I go to, so if he seems really uncomfortable or if I’m awkward, there are plenty of other places I can go.

TLDR: Looking for advice on giving a note with my number on it to a guy at a local shop

  1. Why not just make conversation about cannabis with him and then express your desire to learn more from him? Give him your SNAP or Insta or phone number and tell him to text you. Shared interests are always a good way to start a conversation.

  2. Not the note thing. Firstly you’re way too apologetic in the way you write it.

    Show some confidence and self belief, if you think you’re sexy he’s more likely to feel that vibe from you. So treat it like it’s something that both of you would enjoy and that you’re offering him something exciting and enticing, not that you’re cautiously asking if maybe you two could hang out if that’s not too much trouble sorry!… see how those two compare? Make it a bit playful.

    Next time you go to the shop just straight up ask him out, don’t be all weird about it just pretend a genie told you he will say yes if you ask him, go in with that confidence and itll make you more alluring.

    After he serves you before you leave just be like, “By the way, I think you’re really cute. If you wanna share a joint sometime here’s number, your move ;)”

  3. I don’t really think it is appropriate to be giving romantic advances to people who are at work, you’re right that it is their job to be nice to you.

    Has he ever actually flirted with you or just made regular conversation?

  4. Leaving your number is fine. If he’s not interested he doesn’t need to message or call you. It’s that simple. I know people tend to say not to hit on people at work but leaving a note doesn’t put him on the spot at all and since it’s age-appropriate and no-pressure, should be fine. I do agree that you’re too apologetic in your note and could be more confident. Good luck!

  5. As someone who has worked many different customer service positions like this (including both bartending and budtending), I wouldn’t mind this kind of a thing at all! It’s a nice compliment, even if they’re not interested, and as long as you don’t get weird or creepy about it after the fact, you should be good!

  6. >giving a note with my number on it to a guy at a local shop


    If you want to ask him out on a date then just ask, wrote your number on a piece of paper and give it to him saying, if you are interested in going on a date, here’s my number, then hand it to him, smile and leave.
    Otherwise why?

  7. Do it, its only creepy when men do it. We men wish this happened to us. He will be very pleasantly surprised.

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