My girlfriend and I have been dating for a bit more than a month now and the times we attempted having sex, I couldn’t develop and keep a full erection,.making penetration almost impossible, even though I’m literally obsessed with her and she’s one of the hottest women I’ve ever had the pleasure of seeing naked. I always ended up fingering her which she also enjoys, which is however of course not the same. Last night, we tried something new, both of us masturbating next to each other and her whispering dirty things into my ear. It was probably the hottest situation I’ve ever experienced and she was begging me to orgasm so she could taste me, however after almost 20 minutes of masturbation, I still couldn’t finish. It was the same when she gave me a blowjob. I was feeling really bad for her.

When masturbating alone, I never seem to struggle to develop a full erection and finish. So, what’s wrong with me?

  1. Do you have history of watching a lot of porn?

    Is this the first time this is happening?

    Or is this the first time period?

    What is your go to when you are masturbating?
    I ask the last one to see if maybe there is a disconnect with what turns you on.

    Your obsession with her, and her being hot, don’t guarantee sexual attraction.
    Or the other end, being too obsessed also leads to fear of underperforming which also psychologically affect you

  2. There are several likely possibilities here:

    1. Physiological and/or Psyological sexual dysfunction.

    1b. Porn induced sexual dysfunction. (Sub-category under 1)

    2. You are in the queer/bi/gay area of sexuality. You aren’t likely queer, but it’s still a possibility. Only 1/10 people are effectively not straight.

    3. Medications. Meds can cause anorgasmia or erectile dysfunction.

    My gut says 1b. It’s becoming quite common since the internet has given the world an abundance of free porn.

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