Met a guy online in my home country, which I go back somewhat frequently. totally felt head over heels. He also talked about wanting me to be his girlfriend etc, and having me stay with him whenever I go to his location.

I also have a lot of insecurities. After we had sex, he didn’t text me as much as he did before we had sex. I became the nagging one after sex. I got very insecure about that. I also wondered if I had sex with him too soon and he just sees me as an easy lay. Plus, he was a DJ, worked late, and didn’t call me after I changed my trip schedule to stay in that country. I decided to extend my trip another week after we both agreed to resetting our “relationship” and go out on dates. But he didn’t even find the time to call me and texted me like 3am saying that he’s too drunk to call and will call the next day. So I freaked out and went to his place and banged on the door like 7am in the morning and loosened his door chain

I didn’t know why I did that, i had this intense feeling that he was with someone else. it felt like it was an out of body experience.

I asked if he still want me over text. he just said angrily in the text that he needs time. I begged and begged, and apologized so profusely. I asked if he doesn’t want me anymore, he would just block me. And the fact that he hasn’t blocked me, it means he needs time? He doesn’t say anything. Just said he needs time and told me to stop begging.

Btw, he is still online dating apps talking to other girls.

It’s been a week now since the door banging incident, and 4 days since I stopped begging and no contact.

Should I send him a message again, apologize again and tell him that the pain I am feeling made me determined to change my ways. And I will never ever do it again. Basically asking him if he’s made up his mind about whether wanting to see me again.

Btw, I lent him $1000 to fix his bike.

TL;DR : he asked for time, should I reach out again asking for certainty

1 comment
  1. No. Get your money back. You’ll stop being insecure when you stop letting guys control the relationship with this bs.

    You’re gonna be fine. He’s gonna be a frat boy till he gets some girl pregnant.

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