Hey guys this is kind of an embarrassing post to make but I’m just now realizing i’ve jerked off hard my whole life. I’m (17M) and the way I always used to jerk off was by rubbing by dick against my upper thigh area, this required mt to kind of bend my dick a little bit and I was never hard when I masturbated because of this. I didn’t even know this was wrong until about a week ago, but now i’m really stressing since I have a new GF and I don’t even know how to masturbate normally. I tried doing it normal today and I was able to get hard, but not finish. Honestly I’m kinda scared of actually cumming while i’m hard since I haven’t my entire life, does it hurt or anything compared to doing it soft? Should I try out using lube? I normally masturbate 2 times a day so if I cut that back maybe I’ll be able to force myself to do it normally, I’m kinda panicking since she might be expecting sex in less than a month, any advice would be helpful.

1 comment
  1. You’re not doing anything wrong. Nothing is wrong in sex if no one gets hurt. Try out “normal” masturbation. If you like it, and still like the other way, you can always switch it up. Don’t panic and don’t have sex till you’re ready. Take things at the pace both of you feel comfortable with. If you are able to get an erection, then penetrative vaginal sex is possible. It doesn’t matter if you don’t ejaculate. If when the time comes for penetration you can’t get an erection, it’s no biggy. Take care of her and try again another time!

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