I have a theory that many men, myself included, feel pressure to escalate the romantic aspect of dating, for fear of receiving a message expressing disinterest. On a second date, for instance, I may worry that failing to kiss her will place me in the friendzone. This pressure stems not from a strong desire for physical intimacy, but rather from the belief that I must take steps to keep her engaged.

what do you think?

  1. This is the whole “sexual window” concept. Not a fan of it but that are lots of people that follow it unintentionally.

  2. I think men would be a lot cooler with waiting longer if it weren’t for multidating.

    I assume if a woman isn’t hooking up with me after a few dates, she’s most likely hooking up with some other dude.

  3. Women will often dump you if you don’t have sex with them, if the possibility is there, they ll tell you it’s “no big deal” but they loose interest afterwards, not always but often, this is not some shit I learned from some stupid guy on the internet but my life experience.

    My speculation is that they feel you don’t really desirethem or they also feel some kind of embarrassment.

  4. As a woman, I have never heard this sentiment echoed by other women – only men on reddit. The problem is, it’s impossible to know whether you got rejected for not escalating to sex or not. It’s also highly possible that a woman being less open to sex is a sign of not being as interested. But your title and body are saying two different things – I agree that if after maybe 3-4 dates there’s no sign of romance, many people would lose interest. I think sex is a whole different issue though.

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