Fiancé went on Omegle last night, send someone nudes, the person found him on Facebook and demanded he send money to them. He sent them 2k (!!)
He called me this AM (I’m house sitting) and told me all this sobbing.
He told me he has no idea why he did it, he fucked up, and he’s so sorry. That was on repeat for a while. I was so stunned I was just silent. Then he said he knew it was a scam, he knew what was happening but he was so scared and he just wanted it to go away. He said he actually called the police because he was so scared and didn’t know what to do.

I have his email and this individual sent him a lot of emails so perhaps this was the rush to tell me, I don’t know.
I had a surgery and have had a series of complications so we haven’t had seggsy time in a bit over a month. Not that this is an excuse (!!!!) but providing context as we literally just had a conversation last night of him essentially telling me he was horny and sad about it but recognizing my surgery.

I’m sad, I’m angry, I slept about 2-3 hours last night and know that I’m not thinking straight. I just don’t know what to do. I feel like I’m living in some stupid movie. Like who does this actually happen to? He’s not stupid, he knew he was being scammed! I’d be lying if I said that this wasn’t the first time he’d wandered in some fashion. We’ve had problems over our almost 10 years together. After the last set of problems, he saw a therapist which was really helpful to a lot of different facets of his life, and there wasn’t an incident that I’m aware of for a long time. We moved from that state and he didn’t find one here several years ago.

Sorry for the rambling. I’m just dumbfounded. Nobody prepares you for these things. I don’t know what to do, I don’t know what to say, I don’t know how to act.
I essentially just stayed totally silent (shock) and then demanded I know all financial details (did I mention that we are BROKE- he started a new job and is on training pay for now which is shit and I’m out of a full time job after my surgery), because we have almost all joint bank accounts.
Then I think he called my mother- who he has a good relationship with (…did…) because she’s our financial advisor essentially

TLDR: fiance went online, sent nudes to a girl, girl blackmailed him for 2k, he called me sobbing and confessed this AM. Fuck.

  1. 10/10 this isn’t his first time cheating it’s just the first time he’s been blackmailed about it. And he only told you because he was going to get caught. Don’t marry anyone this stupid. He cheated and then also gave these people money that’s not life partner material.

  2. Your bf may already be feeling violated.
    This is a sextortion scam. The person on the other end many times would be a man.
    They lead, take charge and blackmail.

    Their end game is to get a naked photo or video of the male victim. Or even a well lit capture, so they can morph it in and plaster to his contacts

    /r/scams and /r/sextortion

  3. Don’t marry this guy. Run away now as fast as you can. He’s a cheater with poor impulse control and he makes horrible decisions. You don’t want to be married to this man or have kids with him. Your life will be a series of you finding out about his cheating.

    There is so much better out there. Dump him.

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