My partner and I are in a long distance relationship and we’ve been together for close to 3 years now. I’ll be visiting them again end of April, and this week my partner told me that they have been wanting to break things off.

For the context, we didn’t get into any fights. Only problem is that we’re both busy with work (different work hours but we have the same timezone, luckily) and things have been feeling mundane lately.

My partner said that they tried to find a reason on why they would be feeling that way, on why they just feel like they don’t want ‘us’ anymore but couldn’t find any. So I just figured that it could be the avoidant part of them that’s causing the confusion. They also said that they don’t know if they want to go through with the break up.

As for my part, I told them that we should try to spend time together and since there’s a trip coming soon, we can see how it goes from there. They agreed, but I don’t know if that’s the right decision and I’m starting to get confused now as well. I just can’t focus on shit, I don’t know what to do and I wish I could just fly to them now so we can resolve this asap. :/

1 comment
  1. I was actually going to suggest the opposite. I was going to suggest a trial separation to give each other some distance and decide what either of you want out of this relationship or even if you still want to be in it. Some time reflecting might do some good. I know long distance can be very stressful and I do wish you both the best.

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