I’m a teenage girl and I really want a boyfriend, as many girls do my age. But, I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I’ve always been told that I’m pretty, and I don’t have social anxiety or anything like that. I’m pretty confident and like talking to people. But when a guy approaches/compliments me it just kinda weirds/grosses me out. It’s so hard for me to like somebody. I don’t even think I’ve ever had a real crush. All of my friends have crushes and they like to talk about them with each other, but I just feel left out. I’ve never had a boyfriend in highschool.

I definitely like guys. I literally DREAM about having a BOYfriend — maybe I need to stop turning down guys? My standards are too high? Somebody help!

**TL;DR : I need help, are my standards too high or is there something wrong with me?**

  1. When the right person comes around they won’t gross you out. I was pretty much the same way, I never had crushes on anybody. Even still I don’t get crushes. The people I have dated didn’t ask me out, at least to start our relationship, I asked them out.

  2. Don’t force it! Seriously! When it happens you will know it. If you force it you will end up regretting it. You could end up faking a relationship all the way through to losing your virginity to a guy that isn’t worthy of such a major event. You want a guy, that not only is totally into you but, you are totally into him. Don’t BOTH of you deserve that feeling. Be patient it will happen for you. And when it does it will be worth the wait.

  3. Think about what your type is. Getting turned off because rando slimeballs approach you is normal. The type of guy that considers himself a “pick up artist” is a piece of shit and your reaction is just self preservation. Once you know what your type is, and surprise surprise, it usually isn’t hard to know, then make friends with and hang around those guys. If you are taller than average, then pretty much rule out any dude less than 6′. If you are thicker than average than rule out any skinny dude, tall or not. Really the strategy for women is to be the bait. Just make yourself available around the guys you want. Holy crap I just realized who my high school wrestling cheerleaders where and why they took what seems to be a non nonsensical role…. go figure.

  4. When I was your age, there was absolutely no one in my entire school that I’d consider for my boyfriend, bar one. And lucky for me, that one guy that I was attracted to ended up being my boyfriend for a year or two. But he was the ONLY guy at school that didn’t gross me out.

    Don’t lower your standards. When you see the guy you want, you’ll know about it. Maybe you just haven’t met him yet.

  5. Idk what your standards are.

    >But when a guy approaches/compliments me it just kinda weirds/grosses me out.

    Compliments are not meant to make people feel gross I’m going to assume these were pick up line kind of compliments. Without context, asuming feeling gross about it means something was wrong with the compliment is a safe bet.

    Maybe ask how to spot good qualities in good men and how to attract men can lead to your goal. From people that know about these things.

    You seem like a good person from the post.

  6. absolutely nothing is wrong with you!! we all grow and have experiences at different times. it’s hard to feel “left out” or “looking in” on others but we never know if what they have is actually healthy or good or would be what we want. you will find someone who wakes up this part of you, you simply will and it’ll feel amazing! no shame in waiting for the real thing instead of faking with the crowds – which I was guilty of at 17 with my then bf who looking back I felt nothing for.

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