I love cuddling with my gf and she always asks for it too, but whenever we cuddle for more than 5 minutes I start to sweat profusely and feel uncomfortably hot. She always says she’s cold and persists on cuddling with a blanket which makes thing worse for me. Thing is, her skin isn’t actually cold so it’s not like she can cool me down, she just Feels cold All the time, so I always end up having to stop cuddling before I’ll soak the bed/sofa trough with sweat and she complains about me stopping.

What do I do??? This problem is nothing serious but it’s certainly a nuisance. I’ve tried putting a fan on my side of the bed when we cuddle, but she claims it makes her too cold.

  1. Cuddle for five minutes, then put some distance between you while still touching. Like, let her put her feet under your legs, or hold hands, or something like that – something that gives you the breathing space you need and satisfies her need to be touched. If she is cold, she can also use a blanket or put on a sweatshirt or something. You both need to compromise and make it comfortable for both of you.

  2. You could try putting a fan on and then have a blanket for the both of you. It’ll be colder for both of you. Or cuddle her but suggest she uses a blanket and you stay on top of the covers or something.

  3. One leg under the blanket, one leg out. Welcome to the champions club my friend.

    Nah but for real, it’s nothing you can control so she shouldn’t be upset, you know you can still cuddle her when she’s wrapped up like a burrito in a blanket, you don’t need to be on the same level of sheets to cuddle someone.

    I sweat way more than my ex did and yeah it would sometimes be annoying for me but like, it is what it is. When I start to get hot we just shift and move, one leg out.

  4. Here’s what we do- Turn the a/c down , keep the blankets away from you, leave a space between arms & knees that’s not touching you so air is a buffer, & put a fan on medium or high speed above or blowing directly at you.

  5. if you don’t already, after your showers run cold water on you for atleast a minute… or take a shower with nothing but cold water. it’ll keep you cool and close your pores so u don’t sweat as much or as quickly. also try “golds bond men body powder spray”… also look into some cooling bed sheets 🤷🏾‍♂️

  6. So I had this same exact issue not too long ago with an ex. She was always cold, under a blanket, and wanted to cuddle. I like the house at 65 (kept it at 70 to keep her happy) and burn up at night with only a sheet on and have to incorporate a bedtime fan. She’s either gonna have to meet you in the middle and deal with the fan, or you don’t cuddle under the blankets with her. It’s called compromise

    You’re still gonna get hot n flustered under the blanket cuddling with her, but the fan does make it tolerable

  7. Get a body pillow,so that she can be sandwiched between the pillow and you for warmth so you don’t need blankets.

  8. I usually start with her cuddling by laying on my chest with my arm around her. After she gets that little snore where I know she is asleep, I roll her over on her side and snuggle up against her fresh cold back side. You know like that flip side of the pillow cold.

    She will usually snuggle and push her butt into me which can cause things to heat up a alittle bit sometimes.

  9. My wife is always cold I’m always hot, my wife sleeps with two comforters I sleep without most of the time, we both love cuddling I just cuddle with her over the blankets no skin to skin but still get to cuddle

  10. Lol I keep an assortment of shit like full water bottles in the freezer and if I get super hot I’ll pull one out and cuddle with it. It works great for me

  11. I solved this w my partner by snuggling them from under a blanket while they snuggle me from outside the blanket. Also if they are touching the blanket instead of me I feel like a happy cozy burrito and they don’t get as sweaty bc there’s no skin to skin

  12. I have this issue. Take your shirt off and hold on tight when you start getting nasty. She’ll either get used to you being covered in sweat or realize she needs to relax. My wife learned to relax.

  13. I just make it 68 in the apartment and then put an extra small blanket on my side and we’re both happy.

  14. My husband and I have the same issue and we don’t cuddle often because of it and that makes me sad sometimes. One thing that we do that he doesn’t mind is that he will lay on his back on the couch and I will lay between his legs with my head on his thigh so the blanket is only on me and I am really only on his legs.

  15. Ok – this might sound like I’m trying to throw shade, but bear with me.

    My dog is old, and he likes a lot of cuddles – and the bulk of his days are behind him, so I do my best to oblige because I’m gonna miss him when he’s gone.

    I do realize that you are not a dog and I do not mean to insinuate you are. Point is, my old dog is overweight and overheats really, really easily. So I bought a few of these dog cooling mats, which are actually pretty amazing. The good ones are a bit expensive, maybe $50+ for something that would fit half a human. But as long as he lies on those, he keeps his cool and he can cuddle as long as he likes. They’re like a half powered ice pack, and they hold out a nice cool temperature for a good number of hours.

    Now, idk if they make these for humans. But, dude, have you ever seen a great dane? Those pups are massive! If you can hunt down a great dane sized cooling mat, then I think you’ll be in business.

    …..Also I feel I must reiterate that I do not believe you are a dog. But, you know, dogs are the best people, so if I have given you this impression then please know I consider it the highest of compliments.

  16. If you think you sweat more than would be “normal”, you could see a dermatologists and ask about hyperhidrosis. It’s not so uncommon and could be related to other issues, so talking to a specialist is really important.

  17. So, not to be dramatic, but I always had the always being cold issue and found out I was anemic and needed more iron. Now that I have it under control I’m not always cold. I do like to still cuddle but will also realize when it’s too hot. (Not saying she has that but just wanted to throw it out there)

  18. Just have a free floating blanket available that goes only on her during cuddles, or get some nice comfy sweats that are just for cuddling. Also recommend her getting her iron levels checked if she’s always abnormally cold. Women are prone to anemia because periods.

  19. My partner and I use a thin sheet blanket between us to absorb sweat, and then one leg in and one leg out if one of wants another blanket lol. You can also use a fan or ac, or have an ice cold drink next to you.

  20. I can’t stand to be cuddled for two long either. I get extremely hot. My husband doesn’t have a problem with it. He just gets mad cause I freeze him out of the bedroom. Lol

  21. Your partner needs to be a lot more accepting of this.

    However, there are cooling mats you can buy which become cold with pressure. They’re mostly advertised for dogs but I’ve seen smaller ones for people which are designed to go inside your pillowcase. I imagine you could also get a larger one to go under the bedsheets.

  22. I’m the hot one most of the time and I’m a woman. Men love to spoon after sex and all I want is a fan directly on my sweaty skin. So I “hold ankles” with my partner while I cool down a few minutes and can then do a few minutes of cuddling before I start getting hot again.

    It sucks but it’s not the end of the world. I never wanted to just lay around all the time anyway. Instead of full-body cuddling I recommend cuddling with selected parts only: head in the lap, or feet in the lap, sitting on the sofa. Or in bed, she can cuddle up on one side under the blankets while you keep the other side out in the air to balance out. Get creative, but you shouldn’t have to suffer for love.

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