The thing is that I went out with friend A. While we were waiting in line for drinks, A’s friend (friend B) appeared and kinda cut our (me and A’s) conversation. Since I don’t know who B is, and I’m not familiar with their topics, I couldn’t join their conversation, which makes me feel pretty awkward.

How would you deal with this kind of situation (when it’s a stranger and you maybe have no in common)?

p.s. sorry if it’s confusing, not a native speaker.

1 comment
  1. Usually it’s common manners for friend A and B to recognize that there’s a third party there and to try and make them feel welcome in the conversation. If they don’t do that, and they only talk about topics that you have no information on and you can’t enter, there’s not much you can do. It would seem like trying too hard to but into a conversation you have no interest in, and would probably come off as rude if you tried to derail the conversation.

    So the only solutions are to find someone else to speak to in mean time or just be an attentive listener and realize if they are talking about conversations only they know about, they won’t see you as awkward as it is not to be expected that you’d jump in on these conversations.

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