I’m currently in Tulum with friends, friends of friends and people I haven’t seen in a really long time. Last night, our first night I over drank and was completely blacked out. I’ve been told by two people that I acted poorly.

I apologized to the people that deserved apologies and now I just feel terrible. I’m talking less, having less fun… overall I’ve almost completely shut down socially… anyone know how I can get out of this feeling and avoid this in the future?

What have you done when you’re in a similar situation

1 comment
  1. Drink responsibly
    Never push yourself or you gonna end up like that again
    How much alcohol you can handle… Know the limit
    Keep a lemon with you just in case, as you might know, lemon’s sour juice is gonna cancel the effect of alcohol to some extent 🍋
    If you have apologised then no need to sulk… You did what you could do from your side
    Learn from mistakes and move on

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