Some background on me: I’m 24, Male, straight, during the entirety of growing up and in school wasn’t much social as in would feel uncomfortable to keep my head raised in a straight position to look forward and at others thinking it would be awkward to get caught watching others. Eventually after another school and years of college got somewhat better and confident to freely talking to people I know and would try to establish a communication with someone when I’m a bit a high on confidence.

I have noticed some of my friends as well as random people having the confidence to just take the room with their attitude and way of speaking ( be it something really interesting or very cringey). So today , while I was playing ping pong in my workplace I saw(not in a creepy way or anything, just a second’s glance) a girl at the entrance of the gym and she looked back at me ( not sure if she stared or just looked). Which got me to thinking why shouldn’t I just go up to her and talk and then again, there were about a 50 buff dudes in the gym and I usually do not have a good history of conversing with a person freely when in a highly crowded place. So.. extoverted people of r/socialskills , what are your tips on approaching a random person to talk in a non creepy way for someone like me?

tldr – Just asking if it would be okay and how to talk to a random girl I saw at work

1 comment
  1. >Which got me to thinking why shouldn’t I just go up to her and talk

    Think this, but then dont do the part where you talk yourself out of it. Talk yourself into it

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