So I’ve (21) been with this girl (25) for about 3 weeks now. And I’ve told her I didn’t really wanna be in a relationship or anything serious and she respected my decision. Im just not ready for one rn. But lastnight she texted me “we need to talk” and she later added she’s pregnant. I don’t know how because I every time we did stuff I wore a condom. I instantly ran out my room and threw up. I started to panic with many reasons involving me having a child with someone I don’t really wanna be with. Im not ready at all, I can barley take care of myself, I don’t even have a car let alone a license, I’m in the military and she’s currently going threw a divorce in which both her and the guy agreed to seeing other people. So I’m scared about that too cause it could get me in trouble. We talked lastnight in person and she she seems to wanna keep him/her. I told her it’s her body and she can do whatever she wants with the child. And she knew what my process was going threw and she pretty much made a decision to never talked to me again and to shut me out because I’m just not ready and scared as hell. I don’t wanna be a father now but I don’t wanna leave her alone and living my life knowing there is a kid out there that’s mine and I won’t be able to see him/her and they will wonder who their dad is. I also talked to my best friend, the only one I trust about this stuff, and he said whatever my decision is, he will always be there for me and won’t lose his respect for me. Me and her are going to talk one more time today in-person. She said she can handle taking care of a child by herself because she has one of her own already and have support. Idk anymore. I feel like my life is over

  1. If she’s with her man and you’ve used protection I’m betting it’s his and you’re not gonna need to worry about it. Ask for a paternity test before getting too nervous

  2. I mean she gave you an out
    If you’re certain you wore protection every time can you be sure it’s your child?
    You don’t want to leave her alone but it doesn’t sound like you want to be with her either.

  3. Is she sure you’re the father? It’s uncommon to get pregnant and know for sure all in 3 weeks, not impossible though. Has it been confirmed by a doctor with her saying she’s about 3 weeks? I say if it’s yours, definitely step up and be supportive. But I would definitely take a DNA test since this isn’t a serious relationship and the timeline is a bit tight.

  4. She’s sleeping with multiple people and you always used a condom. The chance that this is your child is very small.

    Get a paternity test.

  5. Fellow soldier here. Most pregnancy tests don’t work until at least 10 days after conception. The odds you got her pregnant are slim to none. Don’t let her know about UCMJ. Get a paternity test ASAP. It is in both of your interests. Normally you need to be in at least week 8 for one of those so you will need to wait. God bless and good luck.

  6. Dont believe her, get the DNA test done. You only own up and be responsible if d kid is yours.

  7. It’s likely not yours. Did you sleep with her exactly three weeks ago? Most women don’t even find out they’re pregnant until 6-10 weeks pregnant. Thats one reason why the laws being passed about 6 weeks ban on abortion are being challenged since most don’t even know they’re pregnant at that time.

    The women who find out as early as 3 weeks usually are the ones really trying to get pregnant and are tracking their cycle like a science project and know when they can test early.

    Quit having sex with her. Demand a paternity test.

    Also if she has ultrasound pics ask to see them look for a due date on them. Don’t trust what she says. Or ask to go to a Dr or ultrasound appt with her.

    The due date is calculated by 40 weeks (gestational age), there are calculators online that if you put in dude date it will give an estimate of when she got pregnant. If that date is before you and her had sex, it’s really unlikely it’s yours.

    This is one of the oldest “tricks” in the book. It’s shameful women will do this, but it happens.

  8. You only known each other 3 weeks and she already thinks she’s pregnant? And you wore a condom every time? If you’re sure it didn’t rip She’s either lying or it’s not yours. End the relationship immediately and do not sleep with her again. If she really is pregnant demand a paternity test before you do anything.

  9. Check paternity laws. I live in the U.S. and in the state that I live, if two people are married the husband is legally the father even if it’s not his.

    Normally, I think that’s horrible; but seeing as you used condoms and they had an arrangement, this might be worth looking into.

  10. i knew plenty of deployment widows who got knocked up by other guys and held enlisted guy as accountable

    get a paternity and dna test to verify she’s actually pregnant AND it’s yours.

  11. Get a paternity test, retain a lawyer and collect every shred of evidence you can.

    Your in for a tough time if she decides that she’s keeping the kid.

  12. Op you need to breath, and also you might not be the father she needs to go to see the doctor and confirm she’s pregnant and also they will tell her there how long she has been pregnant, a pregnancy test will not tell her she’s pregnant if you guys just had sex and only been together 3 weeks, I think if she is pregnant it belongs to her husband

  13. Yeah… 3 weeks AND you were using protection the whole time… I know shit can happen, but I’d absolutely be asking for a paternity test before you move forward with taking any kind of ownership. Sorry about your situation.

  14. Its a rude awakening for you, but having sex is about creating children, and contraception is just part of a probability game. A paternity test is your first order of business. If it turns out to be your child you need to reconcile yourself to possibly being a dad, and to paying child support. While she says she can handle the economic burden herself, sooner or later you will probably be in family court making arrangements for child support. You need to seek advice of a lawyer. Now.

  15. This guy’s post history is sketch as fk. I was concerned for him for a second, but something made me look at his history first. What a tool. Is this the same girl you think you got an STD from? Or the one with two kids who can’t have any more who may be getting divorced. You stated you wanted your own son, but here you’re not ready. Then there is the request in the last 3 or 4 weeks for random people to watch porn with you on snap…good lord.

  16. Paternity test no matter what. I worked child support cases for 15 years! You never know! Having my son unexpectedly was the best thing that ever happened similar situation! Both his dad and I feel the same way. If it’s yours you can make it work. I lived in Utah dad lived in Georgia

  17. She’s already in a relationship you mentioned. Take a test. Might not be yours and she’s trying to entrap you.

  18. She sounds like she is lying. I would demand that you go with her to the doctor and see an ultrasound in person because those can be faked. If she just got her period a week ago that sounds suspicious. If you’ve had sex less than three weeks ago and she’s “pregnant” that’s also suspicious that it’s probably not your child. Do not sign anything until you get a paternity test.

  19. That doesn’t sound like it’s your kid. Could it be? Sure. But wow. Also, don’t poke any more dependas, strippers, coworkers, etc. You ever get the “don’t add to or subtract from the population safety brief”? Honey traps are everywhere. Frankly, I don’t know what to tell you. You’re on the hook, regardless of what she says she wants or will do. So, I’d go NC and ask for paternity test at birth. Then decide if you wanna play dad or go to court and have parental rights stripped. Only you know what you can live with.

    ETA: Just saw your other replies. I don’t believe for a second that this is your kid if she had her period last week… i am not sure i believe she’s pregnant if she just had a period. She sounds like drama. Cut her off.

  20. If you actually used a condom I doubt it. I’ve been here and I def didn’t use one. Thank God she was reasonable. Same situation

  21. Get a paternity test!! This is how men get sucked out of everything they own seriously get one asap! Make sure she knows you want one.

  22. Dude, she likely isn’t pregnant, and if she is, it ain’t yours! Chill out. Go get an STD test and don’t stick your dick in crazy anymore.

  23. There is a good likelihood this isn’t your child, as it would be that the first time you slept with her 3 weeks ago and she was ovulating, and the sperm managed to go through the condom and fertilize the egg.

  24. This gotta be a troll post😂😂😂 block that btch bro she ain’t pregnant I seen ur comments u said she got her peroid a week after y’all last had Sex just use ur brain she prolly jus tryna get a relationship that u said u didn’t want w her

  25. She is obviously lying, the child is not yours, with 3 weeks she couldn’t know. She is either not pregnant or she got pregnant before meeting you.

  26. Did you test the condom after you finished? Please tell me you didn’t use a condom that she provided? Always always always after finishing in a condom take it off and make sure it isn’t broken.

  27. The chance of you being the father is super, super, super unlikely. Follow what many have posted here. Get a paternity test and don’t sign anything. My gut is telling me the guy that did get her pregnant is a deadbeat and she sees you as someone that she can hook for financial help.

  28. You 1000% need to get a paternity test before you sign anything. Don’t take her word for it. I think its unlikely that you’re the only one.

  29. (1) likely it not yours if she sleeped with others and your sure never to finish in her.

    (2) get a paternity test.

    (3) chill the f out and don’t sign anything before all fact are they.

  30. Sounds fishy. I hope you know math because it will set you free. No more humping unglued and get a test if she is not lying about getting preggo

  31. Keep in mind “weeks pregnant” as per doctors, heart rate bills, etc are counted from the first day of the last period.

    The earliest you can tell from any store bought pregnancy test is about 2 weeks from the actual sex, assuming a consistent 28-day cycle that’s considered 4 weeks pregnant. This is usually about when you’d be missing your first period. However, about a week after the actual sex to get pregnant you’ll sometimes get what’s called “implantation bleeding” that a lot of women mistake for a light period so a lot of the time you don’t even realize you missed a period. That’s a week before *some people may* be able to tell on a pregnancy test.

    So based on your other comments, it’s technically possible but not likely. She *could* have been ovulating one of the first few times you had sex, some semen in precum got through the condom, and her “period” last week was implantation bleeding.

    But oof man chances are super slim and wayyy higher it’s the last guy if he “said he was sterile.” Yea he *said*; did she actually fall for that?

    Whatever you do, **don’t sign the birth certificate** and get a paternity test.

  32. If she is pregnant, it’s not yours. Not enough time has passed for for to have gotten pregnant by you and found out about it.

  33. So first thing huge deep breath can’t know for sure it’s yours idc what she says you’ve only known her for 3 weeks. She could tell you the sky is purple. If you want to stay in the child’s life. Tell her you want a paternity test as soon as the baby is born. Then after that if said child is yours you get a lawyer and set up child support and visitation. There are programs and lawyers out there to help if you don’t make alot of money to help you set all this up. Protect yourself and being able to be in the child’s life. If you don’t want her just disappearing and running off with your child if it is yours. I understand it’s a nerve racking thing and really no one ever is truly ready to be a parent. Promise you that. And if she claims she doesn’t need child support well then I guess that’s one less thing you’d have to file. But make sure once you know if it’s yours or not you get that in writing legal document that she doesn’t require any Financial assistance. Also depending on state that you file w the person who makes more money generally is the one who pays the child support. And depending on if it’s gonna 50/50 custody. But this is your choice and best of luck. Kids are amazing really are and beautiful, privilege to have.

    I just have a feeling she’s lying or it’s definitely not yours.

  34. You might want to take a paternity test for the kid….spidey senses are active for me.

  35. Mate 27D ago you were seeing a girl for 3 months, yesterday you had an STD and now you knocked up a girl? Either you need to smarten up with your sex life or you’re a liar.

  36. what girl gets a pregnancy test the day after you hook up while wearing a condom? also Plan B works like 5 days after having sex so this shouldnt even be an issue..

    Did a freshman in highschool write this? cus i call complete BS on this entire thing.

    Also whats up with that whole best friend thing? “he said whatever my decision is be will always be there for me” LMAO WHAT

    Reddit really needs to be 17+ at LEAST cus this is insane. This kid clearly has no idea how sex or real life works

  37. You literally said you want a son of your own 2 posts ago. Are you getting these cold feet because there’s a chance your child isn’t male? This just doesn’t add up. You need to figure out what you want.

  38. This is bs. Assuming you knocked her up day 1, she wouldn’t even test positive yet. This is the dumbest thing I’ve heard today

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